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Thread: Miss Peggotty

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2010
    San Diego, Ca

    Default Re: Miss Peggotty

    Dear Marianne.
    The loss never goes away, the pain eases with time ,the love is always there. Peggotty was is ,will always be in your heart and soul. As you know it is hell on earth at the beginning. God only gives us our fur babies for awhile. They are loaned out to us to make us better people. The time we have with them is never long enough. We are left with the love, the memories. Grieve in your own way. We would love to hear stories about Peggy only when you are up to it. Maybe be part of the healing process.
    Love Sonja,Apollo,Karma

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Miss Peggotty

    Everybody's kind words are appreciated more than you can know. Thank you all so much.

    We have Peg's ashes back, and that helps a little. Just like with Barkis, I do feel as though I sense her spirit when I am spending time in the places that she loved the most. And that also helps a bit.

    But still lots of hard moments. Most of our house is carpeted, and we've always joked about the mounds of gray dog hair embedded everywhere from the combo of Peg's black hair and Luna's white hair entertwined. Salt-n-pepper, we always laughed. I vacuumed again this morning, and for the first time ever there was totally white hair alone.

    How nuts to be crying over white dog hair, but there you have it. I miss her in so many ways.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Glen Cove, NY

    Default Re: Miss Peggotty

    Not nuts at all...I miss sitting on the deck steps at 4:30 in the morning waiting for Lena to pee. I still cry every time I look out the window and don't see her little face watching for me during the rest of the day; I miss her gurgling tummy and smelly farts; and I miss her snoring in bed at night...I still reach out for her to make sure she's not too close to the edge of the bed. Her meds are still on the counter, I just can't bear to put/throw them away. I put her Christmas dress away and I will get Sibbie her own. It would be too sad to see another in the only dress she ever wore.

    Still there....
    Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Miss Peggotty

    Hey, I can help with your salt and pepper problem… How about I send you a big mound of Rosie's black hair (after grooming). It's going to waste now!!! You can sprinkle it around before you vacuum and presto, salt-and-pepper!! Easy huh!! Happy to help.

    Seriously, we all know how hard this is. The smallest things set off triggers. It's normal. Not NUTS!!! It's called love.

    Big hugs Sweetie,

    Quote Originally Posted by labblab View Post
    Most of our house is carpeted, and we've always joked about the mounds of gray dog hair embedded everywhere from the combo of Peg's black hair and Luna's white hair entertwined. Salt-n-pepper, we always laughed. I vacuumed again this morning, and for the first time ever there was totally white hair alone.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Re: Miss Peggotty

    Sending you big hugs Marianne. What a lovely thing to write to dearest Peg.
    I cried to think of her loss and your heart ache and smiled and the youthful Peg you described.
    Sharlene and the late great diva - Molly muffin (always missed and never forgotten)

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Default Re: Miss Peggotty

    Sweet memories, even the simple ones bring tears. Thinking of you Marianne

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Default Re: Miss Peggotty

    Marianne, hugs.

    Yes, I know how well those early days we can try to convince ourselves of a different reality than what we face. But then after a few days or weeks, there's no way we can continue to deny that we've lost a dear companion. I'm so sorry for your pain during this time.

    Thank you for sharing how Peg got her name. I love that both Barkis and her were named after Dickens' characters! Our own Barnaby wasn't deliberately named after any character, from books or television. My husband specifically wished for our dog to have a unique name. When it comes to our Cinder though, she was named after the fairy tale character. She looks like a cat who sat by ashes. :-)

    Your tribute is beautiful. Do share more stories, as you feel led. I think pet owners love to hear them. And I hope it helps for you to tell them. Peg is worthy of as many as you desire to write.
    Allison and Angel Gizmo

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Miss Peggotty

    I just saw your beautiful tribute, Marianne and I join in your sorrow.

    I know that they are always with us....just subtle little reminders, but you have to watch and listen for them. Jolly shows up with just a one second flicker and movement of the flame on my Luminara candles AFTER the batteries have gone dead.

    They live in our hearts forever until we can join them.

    Take care, my friend and know that Annabel and I are thinking of you and sending you hugs.


  9. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Miss Peggotty

    A very special birthday wish for our beautiful, black, Angel Peg. Happy Birthday sweetie.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Miss Peggotty

    Thank you, Kathy. It is so sweet of you to write here. Peg would have been twelve this past weekend, and I am missing her so much. At the beginning of summer when she first left us, I comforted myself by thinking she was out of pain. As this hot summer dragged on, I thought how much she would have struggled in the heat and how uncomfortable she would have been. I was so grateful for those mornings in May when it was still pretty enough for us all to be in the yard with Peg while she lounged in her soft grass.

    But suddenly the early mornings are finally a bit cooler, and Peggotty would have loved her walks again. There is already Halloween candy in the store, and I see her orange collar in our closet but there will be no shiny black dog here to wear it. Over this weekend, the comfort vanished. All the sweet memories remain, including the day we brought her home as a baby puppy. And over time, I know I'll find comfort again in the memories. But not today. Today I just want her back.

    I love you, my sweet baby Peg. I wish with all my heart you could have had more years on this earth with your dad and me. We were so lucky the day you were born, and I will never forget the day you came home with us to heal our broken hearts. Thank you for everything, and I send you love always from Your Mom.

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