Mylo is our 7 1/2 year old boxer, who was diagnosed with pituitary Cushing a year ago and has been on 40mg vetoryl 2x day for the last 12 months. He’s had regular ACTH stim tests every three months the majority of his original symptoms had cleared up. He had a small patch of calcinosis cutis on his back that hadn’t fully healed yet but 8% better than at diagnosis. At diagnosis he weighed 38.8 KG and he currently weight 34.4 kg.

Fast forward to now and he seems to have to go out incessantly again and is drinking out a lot again. Our regular vet did another ACTH STIM and at the same time tested for a UTI. While the test grew a small amount of bacteria and he was treated with antibiotics with no improvement in drinking or urination.

We’ve been tracking his movements, water intake, food intake, timing of vetoryl doses, timing of everything. There is a trend that four hours after he receives his Vetoryl dose for a solid hour he’ll have to go out to pee nonstop (15 to 20 times in an hour). But then before that time and after that time, he seems to be fine. We recently went back to the internal medicine specialist and she increased his vetoryl dose to 45 mg two times a day. This is he’s been on this dose for one week and we haven’t seen any improvements yet.

His stim tests are below and we book the pre-blood draw 3 hours after his vetoryl dose on test day.

Mylo Stim Pre Post nmol/L

Feb 14, 2023 - pre 51, post 136

May 9, 2023 - pre 78, post 124

August 2, 2023 - pre 60, post 127

November 23, 2023 - pre <28, post 134 (His pre was low on test day so we retested just the pre on another day to see if it was a testing issue 1.5 hours after his morning dose and it was 151)

I am curious if anyone has experienced this constant need to urinate only in the 4-hour window after dosing. Is it possible in that four-hour window his cortisol is going too low? Or is our dose still too low?

Does anyone ever split the daily dose into 3x a day?

Thank you in advance for this forum and all of the help!