Hi k9cushings forum!

I have been reading your articles and posts all weekend. Thank you for being such a wonderful resource.

My dog Zoe is a 6 y/o lab mix who recently went in for bloodwork that presented with high levels of ALP (~800) despite everything else being normal. Our vet put her on Denemarin for 1 month and then took a blood draw again on Friday, and her ALP was still elevated / increased (~950). Needless to say this was not the news we wanted. Vet is going to have her do a low-dose dexamethasone suppression test (LDDST) on Thursday this week. I could not be more nervous. Luckily, Zoe is fine otherwise and not really presenting any of the typical Cushings symptoms. We are holding out hope. I am worried with her being so young and having the diagnosis more than anything! We want her to have a great quality of life and keep her around as long as possible.

Thank you so much. Hope everyone is staying safe and having extra time with the doggos during this quarantine.
