Re: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness
We got lots of snow too...thank God for my next door neighbor and his son who lives across the street. They keep our walkway and driveway apron clear with their snowblowers. I just had to do the backyard for the dogs, which was not easy. I didn't do as good a job as I usually do and it is pretty treacherous out there now...and it's snowing again. I don't care...I do love the snow! So do Gable and Cooper. Cooper loves to run and jump into the drifts, while Gable loves to bury his face in and eat the snow. He loves it when I throw snowballs at him and shovels full of snow over him. The girls don't like it much. Lena used to love to run with the boys and bark while they wrestled in the snow. She would come in weighted down with little snowballs attached to her fur and I would wrap her in a towel and cuddle her until they all melted. I miss her so much. I just put all her ornaments on the tree last night.
Sigi took the boys to Morgan Park where all the kids sleigh ride and they had a blast. They got to see lots of their friends for the first time in months. I think it must've been like a reprieve for them all. They were all masked up and stayed an appropriate distance different. I wish I had been able to get out and go with them to get some pictures.
Josh and I are going to St. John's barn sale today in Lattingtown. It's the last day they will be open until the Spring and I'm sure we will get many bargains as they will be trying to get rid of as much as possible. $5 bags that you just fill with as much as you can. He's got his wallet ready! I really don't need anymore stuff, but you never know...just might find that one thing I never knew I needed! LOL!
Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.