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Thread: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    York, PA.

    Default Re: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

    Oh Kathy, I am so sorry that you were exposed and am praying for you. Joan, you and your husband are in my thoughts and prayers too.

    On a lighter note, we received 10 inches of snow Thursday!! Been busy shoveling, man, that's backbreaking work!!!! BIL came down later on with his snowblower and helped, and my Uncle plowed out my mailbox plus the lower part of my driveway. My driveway is an "S" shape with a steep incline so I told my Uncle not to plow out the rest for fear that he would get stuck or wreck his vehicle. Misty and her Grandpa came down later that day and went sledding in my back yard, she had a ball and so did Jax, he loves the snow even though it is almost higher than he is, he was hopping around in it like a bunny!!

    Please stay safe my friends! Hugs, Lori

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

    Awwwwww, thanks for your sweet story. Always love to hear about your and Misty's adventures. Jax sounds fun!

    Quote Originally Posted by Harley PoMMom View Post
    Misty and her Grandpa came down later that day and went sledding in my back yard, she had a ball and so did Jax, he loves the snow even though it is almost higher than he is, he was hopping around in it like a bunny.
    Kathy and Angel Buddy. The mightiest of all lizard hunters!

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Glen Cove, NY

    Default Re: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

    We got lots of snow too...thank God for my next door neighbor and his son who lives across the street. They keep our walkway and driveway apron clear with their snowblowers. I just had to do the backyard for the dogs, which was not easy. I didn't do as good a job as I usually do and it is pretty treacherous out there now...and it's snowing again. I don't care...I do love the snow! So do Gable and Cooper. Cooper loves to run and jump into the drifts, while Gable loves to bury his face in and eat the snow. He loves it when I throw snowballs at him and shovels full of snow over him. The girls don't like it much. Lena used to love to run with the boys and bark while they wrestled in the snow. She would come in weighted down with little snowballs attached to her fur and I would wrap her in a towel and cuddle her until they all melted. I miss her so much. I just put all her ornaments on the tree last night.

    Sigi took the boys to Morgan Park where all the kids sleigh ride and they had a blast. They got to see lots of their friends for the first time in months. I think it must've been like a reprieve for them all. They were all masked up and stayed an appropriate distance different. I wish I had been able to get out and go with them to get some pictures.

    Josh and I are going to St. John's barn sale today in Lattingtown. It's the last day they will be open until the Spring and I'm sure we will get many bargains as they will be trying to get rid of as much as possible. $5 bags that you just fill with as much as you can. He's got his wallet ready! I really don't need anymore stuff, but you never know...just might find that one thing I never knew I needed! LOL!
    Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.

  4. #104
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    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

    COVID test update....
    Tested on December 24, 2020 (Never would have imagined that I would be to Covid testing on Christmas Eve!)
    NEGATIVE RESULTS - December 25, 2020
    One day turnaround at our local Education testing site.
    Quarantine ends the 30th.

    Southern California is in a critical Covid situation. Someone is dying every 10 minutes in Los Angeles. There are no staffed ICU beds available anywhere in Southern CA. The only way one opens up is if someone dies, or improves enough to leave the ICU. Emergency services (Paramedics) have been told not to transfer patients to the hospital. To make them comfortable and keep them home if it all possible. Very grim here. Yet, many are ignoring the stay at home order and are gathering anyway. This is following the Thanksgiving celebrations. The results of Christmas and New Year's celebrations are likely to collapse our healthcare system and numerous, unnecessary deaths will be the result.

    Please do all you can to stay safe and protect your loved ones.
    Last edited by Budsters Mom; 12-26-2020 at 08:59 PM.
    Kathy and Angel Buddy. The mightiest of all lizard hunters!

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Glen Cove, NY

    Default Re: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

    So glad you got a negative result, Kathy.
    Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

    “Ditto” !!!!!!!!!!

  7. #107
    Join Date
    May 2012
    New Zealand

    Default Re: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

    Hi all
    First off, happy holidays! Popped in to say hi, but not liking what I am reading on this thread. In New Zealand we just spent the holidays with our families and friends, We are able to attend concerts, sports, shop freely and generally enjoy life with no covid cases in the community. We did a hard lockdown way back in March for six or so weeks and since then apart from a couple of blips have been covid free. Our border is closed, ppl can come here but they are in managed isolation facilities for two weeks and must have a couple negative tests before they can be released. We do have positive covid ppl in quarantine at the border. We are fine with that, we do not want ppl bringing it here. I think the main difference, we are a country of islands and it is easier to defend but our Prime Minister always listens to our health experts to keep us safe and long may that last.

    I had a bloody run in with breast cancer and had had mastectomy three months ago. Luckily low grade and they got it all so no need for chemo or radiotherapy. But still knocked me for a six. Back at work now, still juggling mum and dads health issues, dad in hospital at the moment but I took him home for Christmas Day and hopefully he will be out soon.

    nice to read all the happier news
    Last edited by Trish; 12-30-2020 at 03:11 PM.
    Stop worrying about what can go wrong and start getting excited about what can go right!

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Re: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

    Oh wow I missed this thread and had updated my thread for vanilla earlier

    We are back in lockdown here in Ontario Canada as our cases started to go up after having decreased in the summer. Basically people just not taking care and some still
    Thinking this is no mire than the flu. My neighbors entire household tested positive. They aren’t sure who got it or when where but they all got sick, quarantined, till they tested negative. My nephews wife’s uncle passed from it. One uncle and his wife went to an out of state wedding, stopped at the other uncles home to visit I. Their way back. Gave it to them. Both uncles came up positive and one didn’t make it.

    My friend in California has tested positive, got it from a nurse. Unfortunately that friend had gotten sick last January and has been oxygen every since. So for a year. She didn’t test positive for covid then but had pneumonia. Now she has it and has moved to the motorbike to stay away from Family. She is in California.

    Someone at work lost Their mom To it. It isn’t just the flu. I don’t know what is wrong with people, not caring about others and putting them at risk.

    We have had his and downs with supplies but never ran out of anything. A few times toilet
    Paper or paper towels would get a low stock, but you could always find it somewhere else.
    I use Instacart aLot and order in groceries, etc. I try to support local business by ordering and doing curb side pickups whenever I can. So many businesses are going under it is sad.

    There is a local consignment store that does online video of new arrivals 2nd hand and they ship all over the world so I’ve been ordering stuff via them They been in business a long time and I hate to see how this has hurt them. We do the same with local pub

    Everything that comes in gets washed or quarantined before use

    Got to run but everyone hang in there. We will get through this!
    Sharlene and the late great diva - Molly muffin (always missed and never forgotten)

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

    Hey everybody, just thought I’d add an update and I’ll hope to hear from other folks, too. First off, thank you to Trish and Sharlene for stopping by earlier! It was so good to hear from you. And secondly, I can hardly believe it’s now been a year since we first had the inkling of what we were in for. But just an inkling — I’d never have dreamed that I’d go so long without seeing my family and friends in person. Never in a million years. To quote the Grateful Dead, “What a long, strange trip it’s been...” But here we are, with fingers still crossed for a better year ahead.

    In that vein, hubby and I are incredibly lucky that we got our first vaccine dose last week. It really was dumb luck that we got access, but we jumped at the chance. We got the Moderna vaccine, so will wait a month for the second shot. I ended up with a *really* sore arm and felt kind of blah the next day. But by the second day, I was fine again. They say the second dose usually packs the stronger punch, so I may start taking some Tylenol in advance the next time around. But no matter what, it’ll be well worth some discomfort to get the protection.

    Aside from that, the only real news on my end is that Luna’s been battling a GI upset for about six weeks now. Kind of a remitting, relapsing battle with very soft, nasty stools and occasional inappetence. She’s not been acutely ill, but also not entirely herself. She’s been on Rx food, and recent bloodwork showed mildly elevated ALP and ALT, so she’s now on Denamarin and we may need to shift her away from the Previcox and over to Galliprant. Repeat bloodwork to be done on Thursday, so we’ll see whether or not there have been any changes. I have to laugh: hubby and I have been postponing all our personal medical and dental visits all year until we could get vaccinated, but I must have made a half dozen trips to the vet’s office since early December to get food, meds, and to take her for testing. What we won’t do for our furkids! Anyway, I’m *so* grateful to have at least started the vaccination process.

    OK, that’s it for now. I’ll be hoping to hear from you all, too!

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Glen Cove, NY

    Default Re: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

    Good for you, Marianne! The doctor Jess works for arranged to have all of his staff vaccinated, so she got her first shot a couple of weeks ago. Hubby could get one through Memorial Sloan Kettering, but he's starting chemo tomorrow and radiation on Feb. 3, so I think we will wait.

    Funny, Gable had a bout of something last week, bloody diarrhea for about two days. Ran to the vet for a PVT and some Flagyl. Test came back at 4.2, so I don't know what happened. Started him back on the Vetoryl today...and yes, I have run to the vet and pet store routinely during this year and have not gone anywhere for myself at all. Although we have had more exposure through hospitals and facilities in the last few months because of Victor's cancer.

    I hope Luna starts to feel's so stressful when they are not themselves...
    Last edited by Joan2517; 01-24-2021 at 09:53 PM. Reason: typo
    Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.

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