My little maltese, Cali, is 6 lbs, and 14 years old. She was diagnosed with cushings several weeks ago and we determined to treat with lysodren. I had it specially formulated because she is so small, and we started with 40mg 2x a day. We tested on day 5 and her pre-test was 6 and post was 21. So...dr advised we continue with the loading phase. It has been 10 days and the numbers are nearly identical (pre 6.6 and post 21.5).

She is still drinking a TON and peeing a ton so I knew she was not "loaded."

I am waiting for the vet to call me back with instructions. But I wanted to ask you all in your experience what you've done if the 10 day loading phase did not work. Do you raise dose immediately and if so do you go super slow? Do you start the loading phase all over again with an increased dose? Is this common for the dog not to respond after 10 days? I know my vet started on the smaller dosing, but since Cali is so small, she didn't want to risk putting her in Addisons.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!