Okay, we have had another episode. Gable was up all night Monday, going out like every hour, drinking like crazy all weekend. I shouldn't have given him his pill yesterday morning, but I was so sleep deprived that I wasn't thinking, and I should have stayed home.

I came home from work to a kitchen floor covered in poop, vomit and pee. Cleaned it up in a hurry and ran to the vet before they closed. I had them do a resting cortisol test and blood work. The results won't be back until this afternoon, but I'm pretty sure he's gone too low again. I didn't give him anything last night, including dinner.

He slept all night, didn't get up until 6am this morning...that doesn't happen very often. He usually has to go out at least once during the night. He's had breakfast, no meds and seems fine. I'll wait to see what the numbers are and decide what the plan will be. I just might have to give him 5mg am and 5mg pm. It seems the 10mg am and 5mg pm just might be too much for him.