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Thread: Welcome!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Welcome!

    We want to welcome you to our memorial forum. It is dedicated to all our members who have lost a beloved companion. From our own experience, we know how much it hurts. We also know how much it can help to have a place to come to talk, to honor, and to remember.

    Some members may wish to come here to post a tribute to their dog. Others may just want to come and "talk" a bit. Still others may have some special memories or stories to share. All are welcome!

    We also encourage all our k9cushings family to join in with their support. Sometimes you may feel reluctant to write a reply for fear of not knowing the "right" thing to say. But truly, just a simple "I am so sorry…" can help with the healing. Just knowing that someone else has read your words and understands how much you loved your dog can make all the difference in the world.

    Above all, we hope that this will feel like a safe place to share your feelings and memories. We are not professional counselors (please see the "Where to Find Help When You're Hurting" thread for tips on seeking professional help). But we can, and do, offer you our care and our support. And it will be our privilege to read whatever you may wish to write here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Welcome!

    Bumping up.

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