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Thread: For Jeanie and Maggie and Jolly

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: For Jeanie and Maggie

    Jeanie, it's so good to hear back from you!

    And don't ever feel badly if "life" prevents you from getting back here on any 10th -- either yours or mine. Any day that we have the chance to talk with one another is a good day! Our memories remain with us every single day, so there is never just one right time to chat.

    I think it is a very good thing that your life is rich and full right now, and especially that the girls are doing well. Neither Maggie nor Barkis would want us to stop the clock nor suspend our lives. And I know what you mean about feeling as though these ten years have changed so many things. Barkis was the very first puppy for my husband and me. Now I cannot imagine a life without a furbaby.

    Anyway, it is so wonderful to hear from you again. And no matter on which day in the future , it will be so good to talk again!


  2. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: For Jeanie and Maggie

    Good morning, Jeanie! No matter which day you stop by once again, I want to make sure you will find my note awaiting you. Because believe it or not, here we are once again, honoring sweet Maggie. I swear, the years seem to fly by even more quickly now than ever before. A real merry-go-round, for sure.

    I hope you and Jolly and Annabel are all doing good. It has been a rough year for me in many ways, with the deaths of two of my very best friends. Such a loss and such a wake-up call, all at the same time. Every day is a precious gift that can never be repeated. My little one, Luna, remains a ball of fire. She still has that darn limp every once in a while, but we also still don't know the cause so I pretty much just keep my head stuck in the sand over that . And my sweet Peg is definitely starting to show her age. Her muzzle is gray, and she struggles some to get up. She can only make it around the lake once now each morning. But each morning she is still rarin' to go and give it a try, so that is a blessing.

    And sweet Spirit Barkis -- never separated from my heart. On Dec. 2, he would have been 19 years old were he still here on earth. You mentioned last year how much life has changed since we held Maggie and Barkis in our arms. You are so right. In so many ways, things were so different for me the evening we first brought our puppy boy home to share our lives. When I look at pictures, I almost don't recognize the "youngsters" we all were then. How can we have gotten so old in the meantime??

    But right now, especially around the holidays, most of all I remember all the joy Barkis brought to us, and the love we still share with his baby sisters. I will be lighting my candle again tonight, Jeanie, for Maggie and for Barkis. Our precious angels who changed our lives forever.

    Love, Marianne

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: For Jeanie and Maggie

    Oh, my sweet, sweet friend....thank you, as always for remembering us.

    I saw you message this morning, but have been trying to pull myself together enough to reply. I now have an "adult beverage" and will make an attempt.

    Oh how sweet that Peg still enjoys her swims. I didn't realize that you lived on a lake, too. And darling Luna...bless her heart.

    How fast the time as gone, and all day today....I have been wishing for that time back. I made so many mistakes and have so many regrets about my life, and I wish I could have a "do over".

    I am having some health issues, and am going to have to leave the lake. It is just too much for me....mainly the hill and the steps, but also the maintenance. I have palmoplantar pustular psoriasis on my hands and my feet. The best way to describe it is that is like walking barefoot on broken glass. I am in constant pain, and there is no cure. I feel so badly for the girls, because I can't walk them anymore, and they just lay around the house all day.

    I'm so sorry about the loss of your friends. My best friend Paula has stage 4 COPD and asthma, and I am so afraid for the future. We have been friends since high school.

    Ok...enough of that...onward and upward.

    Anyhoo.....thank you so much for your friendship. Are you on Facebook? If so....let me know and we can keep in touch more than twice a year. If so, send a friend request to Jeanie Clem.

    We too, will light a candle for your boy tonight....I still ALWAYS light one for my Maggie girl.

    Take care, sweet lady.....see you in August, if not sooner on FB.

    Last edited by maggiesmomma; 12-10-2014 at 06:02 PM.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: For Jeanie and Maggie

    Hi Jeanie <waving wildly!>

    No, I'm afraid I have resisted signing up on Facebook. I already spend so much time here and generally surfing the net that I can't afford to allow myself to get sucked into Facebook, too. I'm afraid my iPad would end up permanently attached to my arm!

    But it is wonderful to hear from you, and this just makes our notes here all the more special. I am so deeply sorry to hear about your illness and your need to move away from the lake. No, unfortunately we do not actually live on a lake ourselves. There is just a little lake with a nice trail around it at the office park where I walk the dogs every day. So the girls know that trail backwards and forwards, just like Barkis did before them. If Luna had her druthers, she would race around it twice or even three times. But Peg is now pretty winded after just one go-round. So that's all we do these days, and I try to give Luna some extra play-time in the yard at home.

    I can imagine how hard it must feel for you to leave your lake, and hope that you have a more comfortable alternative in mind. Sometimes change is a very good thing, but sometimes it sucks, and sometimes it is somewhere in between and you just have to go with the flow!

    Anyway, it is so good to hear from you. Give the girls a big hug from Auntie Marianne, and I will see you when we are next together again.

    Sending many hugs to you, too, today and everyday!

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: For Jeanie and Maggie

    Hi,hi, hi Marianne....I am here...two days late and many dollars here nonetheless. I'm not really sure how to post here anymore...I think that we just continue this thread....

    So, how are things in your life? I hope everyone is the years go by, it is difficult to ask.

    I am having a horrible summer. I told you about my best friend, Paula. She passed away on June 12th. Then, we had a tornado and flood in my area. I didn't have any damage, but the power was out for 41 hours. I thought I would go crazy. Jolly got sick. She rapidly lost weight and was down to 12 lbs., which is tiny. After many tests, Dr. Baker did a laparotomy on her....exploratory surgery...and took samples of her liver, spleen, intestines and lymph nodes. The diagnosis is that she has some "changes" in her liver and some IBS, which she thinks is caused by the liver problems...some toxicity in her liver. So, she is on a strict diet and some medication, and we hope that the liver will regenerate, as it is supposed to, and she will be better. She does feel better, but I think that is mostly because she is not doped up on pain pills from the surgery. The incision goes all the way from her "wee wee" to her breast. YIKES! I Dr. Baker says this is the best possible outcome we could have hoped for. So......

    There is nothing new with me....still bad feet, but unable to move from the lake at this time. I just keep plugging along. My feet are some better, so I can at least get around more than before.

    Ok, that is all the news I have....I have two puppies to feed.

    Please know, we are thinking of sweet friend....and your beautiful Barkis...running free with my Maggie at the Rainbow bridge.


  6. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: For Jeanie and Maggie

    Hello my dear Jeanie!!!! I am so glad to see you again , although I am so very sorry for the losses and rough stuff you are having to weather . It is very hard, sometimes, just to keep plugging along in the midst of so many dark days. But the doggies do keep us on track, don't they!? Sometimes routines can be a good thing, because they keep us going on days that we'd otherwise wish to spend in bed with the covers pulled over our heads (or at least, that's the way it is with me!).

    It's funny, but this is the first year that I have not posted a note here myself right on the exact day of Barkis' anniversary. Last year marked our ten year anniversary, and somehow since then the exact day does not seem to hold the same power over me as it did before. Starting at the end of July and the beginning of August, I am still transported back in time and memory, but awakening this year on the 10th, the rawness of earlier times had finally ebbed. I thought of him with love and gratitude, and felt his presence alongside me quite strongly as I walked at the lake and puttered around our house. It was as though he had come to join me, especially, on that day. But for the first time, the day actually was filled much more with comfort than with pain, and with my smiles at all the joyful times we had spent together.

    I am so sorry about Paula and also Jolly's illness. Our sweet Peg will turn 11 in about two weeks (she was born right after Barkis died), and sadly, she has aged terribly just since the first of the year. Her hips are very bad, and I think these many years of phenobarb for her seizures may finally be slowing her down. She can no longer do stairs or jump into the car, so my walks with her are limited to short social jaunts in the neighborhood where she meets and greets all her friends. Luna will be turning 7 around the same time, and she is still a fireball of energy. We are having problems with a chronic skin infection with her, though, and we are not sure about the cause. But I am trying to learn not to borrow trouble in advance. So we will just see what develops.

    Anyway, it warms my heart to hear from you! Thank you so much for checking in again, and I will be doing the same in December.

    Sending so many hugs across the miles,

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: For Jeanie and Maggie

    Oh Marianne....I am SO glad you found my post!

    Yes, my girls do keep me going on those dark days. I have to get up to take care of them, although I think they would be just as happy to stay in bed...I know that Annabel would. A quick "potty" and a little breakfast, and she is ready to sleep all day.

    Paula was a big part of the reason for my moving down here. I had hoped that after she retired, we would do some traveling, have some fun and grow old together. She never got to have any fun....I know she is in a better place, where she can breathe, but I am pretty lost right now....not sure what the future holds and feeling so alone. Ok...enough of my whining....

    I am so sorry that Peg is aging....11 is a good age for a Lab, though...and sweet glad she is still having fun. How is your health...and how about your husband?

    I see that this group now has a facebook page. Who is the administrator of that? It doesn't look to be very active, but maybe it is still pretty new.

    Well, dear friend....I must go and try to do something constructive today...or....maybe not. LOL!

    Have a good one....

    Love and hugs,

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: For Jeanie and Maggie

    I am just so sorry about Paula. I am still trying to get used to living in a world without my two good friends who passed away two years ago now, too. They were really my best friends here, and the hole they've left behind is not one that can be filled. I try to push myself out there to meet new people, but it is hard for me to do so...

    Hubby and I are hanging in there healthwise, although we do have a lot more complaints re: sore joints and tired muscles and crappy vision. Aging sucks!!~!

    As for the group's Facebook page, it is not intended to be an interactive site but rather it is an introduction to the forums here. We hope that people who see the Facebook page will come and join in the active discussion here.

    OK, my friend, once again it is great to see you. Take good care until we talk again!

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: For Jeanie and Maggie

    Hi Marianne,

    I'll bet you are surprised to see me, but I knew that I had to tell you....I lost my Jolly 2 weeks ago, today. I am breaking down right now, so can't say much....but Dr. Baker gave up on us (I guess she didn't like all of my questions) and referred us to a specialist in Indianapolis. Jolly got very bad on Friday, and Dr. Baker refused to see her. I was hoping I could just get her through the weekend...our appointment was on Monday, but Saturday night, she could not stand, and I think she was having seizures. I called our old vet, who has a doctor on call after hours, and he met me in Columbus, Indiana and ended my Jolly's suffering. She was seizing, and I don't think she could see or hear me, and I think she was bleeding internally. It was horrible!!! At least she was at home and not all alone in an emergency hospital 50 miles away. That is the one thing that I did do right....but if Dr. Baker had seen her...maybe they could have stabilized her....I don't know...I just know that she is gone and I am devastated. I had spent thousands of dollars, and she just got sicker and sicker.

    That's all I can say right now....I thought that you would want to know.

    Big hugs to you and your babies...hold them close.


  10. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    York, PA.

    Default Re: For Jeanie and Maggie

    Oh Jeanie,

    I am so terribly sorry for your loss and my heart goes out to you. We are definitely here for you so please, when ever you want, you come back and talk with us.

    Sending huge hugs and love,

    With Heartfelt Sympathy, Lori

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