Today is a sad day. We let our morgsn go to heaven. She is a lhapsa bichon mix. A real teddy bear. We really wanted to bring her home. She didnt seem to be hurting and eas happy. She went blind 4 years ago. 3 years ago she was diagnosised with cushings. We opt not to treat her as the meds could be worse then cushings . she was sick the last few weeks vomiting. Sleeping all the time. Coughing. Diarrhea. And not eatng. She lost 10 lbs. Took her to vet today she has anemic. Kidney failing. Pancreas. Problems etc. I believe these were her end stages. Hurts do much we just wanted d to grab her snd take her home. Im not sure if she had any psin she didnt act like it. So feel guilty on letting her go. She was 10.