Thanks everyone! I found some of the same information and then Dr. Bruyette says it is fine. Here is the sentence he used:
Tramadol does not work in a similar manner to other narcotic pain relievers so I would not be concerned.

I am also a worrier, so that is why I am not thrilled about experimenting to see what might happen to Hannah.

Glynda-she is not on Rimadyl and never has been. She was on Metacam for a week (which I know would be the same concern) but I talked with 4 different vets: my regular vet, and IM specialist, the ER vet when Hannah went in, and now the acupuncture vet. They all say that for some reason the NATURAL steroid in combination with an NSAID does not produce the same things as for example, prednisone would with an NSAID.

After hearing it from four of them and knowing Hannah was in a really bad place at that time, we gave the Metacam with no issues. I asked what to look for, read about it online and in the insert, and remembered what Glynda had told me could happen. The Metacam did seem to help her.

Hannah is a pretty stoic dog. I only knew something was really wrong last week because she was moving SO slowly and her back end seemed to sway a little.

Now I don't really know how bad the pain is. She just seemed better before the acupuncture treatment on Thurs. and was a lot slower and sort of out of it yesterday. I read that dogs can seem a little worse initially after acupuncture and the vet told me she could be sleepy afterward, but I assumed it would be that night--not the next day. Yesterday she was walking really slowly when I took her for her super-short walk (like three houses down) to get her to poop and just moved more slowly in the house. She was almost back to a little "trot" when following me in the house on Wed. So, my only guess, was that maybe she is in pain.

At the acupuncture appointment on Thurs. she did not show tensing when he palpitated her abdomen and she DID the previous week at the first appointment, so we took that as a good sign that something was a little better. She still did a little yelp when he put in a needle in the main area that is sore. She did the same thing the first time. These are the ONLY times I have ever heard Hannah indicate she was in pain. Even at the ER vet she just breathed a little louder when they felt the sore area. She's sort of tough to figure out. I wish she could TALK to me!

At this point, I'm scared of Anipryl and Tramadol. I gave her Anipryl already this morning. Anyone know how long she should be off of it to take Tramadol? I think I'll call the vet (or both) and ask. I guess I should hold off today. I hope she'll just improve a little on her own.

Again, thank you SO MUCH for all of your help! I sincerely appreciate it and get so much information from here. I am the one bringing things to my vet much of the time, and it is usually from stuff I found out from all of you.

Keep your suggestions coming, PLEASE!

-Julie & Hannah