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Thread: My Son... Bentley. How can I help my boy? ~ Bentley has passed

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2022

    Default Re: My Son... Bentley. How can I help my boy?

    Thank you. That does help.

    So it looks like even if he received a full syringe he would be in the safe range as that would be 250mg and he could have received up to 280mg x3 a day?

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: My Son... Bentley. How can I help my boy?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tenacious--M View Post
    So it looks like even if he received a full syringe he would be in the safe range as that would be 250mg and he could have received up to 280mg x3 a day?
    Yes, I think that’s exactly right. We’ve received your photos in our gmailbox, and I’ll see if we can’t get them posted. But based on just looking at them myself, I think we have this figured out correctly.

    Edited to add: Another one of our staffers, Lori, has now had the chance to view your photos, too, and we both agree about our interpretation of the dosing. But if you’d still like for us to post them publicly here on the forum, just let us know, OK?
    Last edited by labblab; 01-31-2023 at 10:36 AM. Reason: To add.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2022

    Default Re: My Son... Bentley. How can I help my boy?

    No thank you. I appreciate it though. I'm glad to hear the dosage was correct.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: My Son... Bentley. How can I help my boy?

    You are very welcome. We’re surely hoping that Jake is showing some improvement, and we continue to send our healing wishes to your family.

  5. #25
    mytil's Avatar
    mytil is offline Administrator and always In Loving Memory
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    Apr 2009

    Default Re: My Son... Bentley. How can I help my boy?

    I too am so very sorry about the loss of your sweet Bentley and my thoughts and prayers are with your son.
    These coming days and months will feel so empty and my heart goes out to you and your family!!!! Know we are all here - and many know what you are going through.
    Healing ((((hugs))))

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