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Thread: My Milo has Cushing's ~ Milo is now an Angel

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: My Milo has Cushing's

    I’ve been thinking about Milo and hoping that he’s doing OK? If you’d like to add an update, we’ll be anxious to read it.

    Best wishes, as always.

  2. #12

    Default Re: My Milo has Cushing's

    Hello Marianne,
    I wish everyone a very healthy and happy year with all the fluff.
    Marianne sorry for your loss I had a hard time reading it. You are an incredibly good and strong person.
    Milo is doing well on 10mg so far. What I notice is that some crusts appear on his ears and when I touch them a little harder it clearly hurts because he whimpers.
    In terms of drinking water he has decreased but his food is still the same (but he has always been more gluttonous.) Since he is alone during the day he has diapers that he uses and I get the impression that he occasionally eats his akita .
    After two weeks we have to give urine, electrolytes and once cortisol.I will definitely share the results.
    Thank you for your concern, thank you for being there, thank you for giving me strength and such invaluable information.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: My Milo has Cushing's

    Thank you so very much for your kind words. I *really* appreciate them!

    And thanks so much for this update on Milo. We continue to wish you both well, and we’ll be anxious to hear how his next set of test results turn out.

    A happy new year to you and all your family!

  4. #14

    Default Re: My Milo has Cushing's

    Hello everyone,
    Yesterday we ran urinalysis and by the end of the week we will run an electrolyte panel.
    I'm a little mad at his doctor because the urine results were uploaded to the clinic profile but she didn't call me to discuss them.
    Here they are:
    PRО 2+ 1,00 g/l
    CA <=1.00 mmol/l
    SG 1.015
    CR 8.8 MMOL/L
    PRO/CR <=0,4

    I am concerned about the high protein.

    These spots that started appearing on his ears, the doctor said they were fungus.
    Now I smear the ears with chlorhexidine.
    He still drinks a lot of water in my opinion, and he urinates a lot, although it is much less than at the beginning.
    Currently, he continues to drink 10 mg of Vetoryl in the morning.

    Hearty greetings from us

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    York, PA.

    Default Re: My Milo has Cushing's

    Quote Originally Posted by Sneji View Post
    Here they are:
    PRО 2+ 1,00 g/l
    CA <=1.00 mmol/l
    SG 1.015
    CR 8.8 MMOL/L
    PRO/CR <=0,4
    Are these results from a regular urinalysis and an UP:C (urine protein-creatinine ratio) test?

  6. #16

    Default Re: My Milo has Cushing's

    Quote Originally Posted by Harley PoMMom View Post
    Are these results from a regular urinalysis and an UP:C (urine protein-creatinine ratio) test?
    Yes, these are the results of a regular urinalysis.
    Last edited by Sneji; 02-06-2023 at 04:33 PM.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    York, PA.

    Default Re: My Milo has Cushing's

    Quote Originally Posted by Sneji View Post
    Да, това са резултатите от редовен анализа на урина.
    I'm sorry, I don't understand this post.

  8. #18

    Default Re: My Milo has Cushing's

    Sorry, the translator did not translate what I wrote.
    Yes, these are the results of a regular urinalysis.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    York, PA.

    Default Re: My Milo has Cushing's

    Quote Originally Posted by Sneji View Post
    PRО 2+ 1,00 g/l
    CA <=1.00 mmol/l
    SG 1.015
    CR 8.8 MMOL/L
    PRO/CR <=0,4
    I'm not sure about interpreting these results, to me that PRO/CR <=0,4 looks like the results from an UP:C (urine protein-creatinine ratio) test, and if it is, than 0.4 is within the reference ranges, I would definitely ask the vet about this. Another test you might want to perform is the SDMA, it is sensitive for kidney disease so you may want to talk about this test with your vet as well. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

    Hugs, Lori

  10. #20

    Default Re: My Milo has Cushing's

    Thanks Lori,
    I will ask about the SDMA test.

    Hugs from us too

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