Re: New here - Louie age 13 small poodle (mix?) with Cushings

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Hi, again - back with update and question on Louie. He did have the ultrasound and it was consistent with Pituitary form of Cushings - increased size in both adrenal glands. Vet wanted to start on Vetoryl last fall but we delayed due to his eye problem - that's been under control now for a while but life just got in the way!
He's going back to the vet this week and will likely get started on the Vetoryl. Just want to be sure I have my ducks in a row - my understanding is he should have the ACTH stim test at 14 days and again at 30 days, but wait until the 30 days to make any dosing change b/c it can take that long to see the effects of the meds? Am I getting that right?
Has anyone had trouble with Addison's disease after starting Vetoryl and what should I be on the watch for? Overall have your dogs managed side effects of the vetoryl well? He has to pee a LOT and drinks a LOT so those are 2 main symptoms we are hoping to improve for him and for us.
Thank you for advice and support!
This is exactly correct. My Gable was very sensitive to Vetoryl and started at 40mg (he was close to 80lbs.), but ended up on only 5mg twice a day. The symptoms are tricky to notice, but NO appetite is the biggest. He never really stopped eating, but started drinking and peeing more again, which made us think he needed a higher dose, but thankfully we did the ACTH and found his numbers way too low and we stopped the meds until his adrenals rebounded. We had to do that a few times before ending up on the 5mg.
Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.