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Thread: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    rural central ARK

    Default Re: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

    Just got notification that my visitor for tomorrow will not be coming after all....Crystal Springs, the resort, is cancelling all reservations for the foreseeable future. ~~whew~~ My friend and her hubby are very disappointed and while I am sorry they have to miss this trip I am glad as well because I was worrying about their well-being. He has had 3 heart surgeries so that puts him in the high risk category too...and if something happened to him I'm not sure how well she would cope. She and I went to high school together...and she lost her adult son a few years ago so we reconnected and bonded over that tragedy. So I know how much she depends on him and needs him. I am relieved they will not be leaving town.

    Just before this started, I had decided to teach myself to crochet. Thankfully I went out to one of the craft stores then and purchased quite a bit of yarn on sale plus Beth, another former member, sent me a box full of yarn she no longer needed. On my last trip to WalMart I picked up a couple of skeins needed to compliment some of the things I am working on. So when I'm not out in the yard I spend a lot of time in my recliner with Tilly in my lap crocheting and watching cooking shows. So if anyone has any yarn they need to find a home for, I'm more than glad to adopt it.
    "May you know that absence is full of tender presence and that nothing is ever lost or forgotten." John O'Donahue, "Eternal Echoes"

    Death is not a changing of worlds as most imagine, as much as the walls of this world infinitely expanding.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    York, PA.

    Default Re: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

    Thank you, ladies, for your thoughts and sympathies for my Aunt, when I went to see her right after I found out she had cancer she was in good spirits, she was a religious woman and when I asked her how she was doing her reply was that she lived a long happy life and was ready to meet her maker, that did bring me some comfort.

    Yep, all paper products are gone by the time I get to the grocery store, I'll be making another trip tomorrow so hopefully there will be some there! The Governor here has closed all nonessential businesses and restaurants are only allowed take out or delivery services. My nephew works for FedEx express and is still required to make deliveries/pick ups, they do, sometimes, make deliveries to doctor offices and hospitals but I wish they would close, it makes me worried with him out there amongst people.

  3. #23
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    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

    Lori, I'm so sorry to read about your aunt. My folks were married 67 years. I hope your uncle has plenty of support. There is never a good time to lose someone you love, but right now is extremly trying. It was hard enough taking care of the details after my mom's death. I can't imagine doing it when my whole state is in lockdown. It sounds as if the rest of the country is headed that way.

    Now for another good thing. I know, two in one day! I received a text and was told to go out on my front porch. I found a grocery bag with eight rolls of toilet paper and a large package of wipes. My fairy godmother had been there and left the supplies. It was a friend from work who knew that I hadn't been able to find toilet paper anywhere for the few weeks. I texted her and offered to pay for it when I saw her. She said that fairy godmothers don't take money and it felt good to do something nice for someone. I told her that I would pay it forward then and help someone else out. That is my challenge for all of you. If given the opportunity, do a small gesture to help someone else out who may be more in need than you. Maintain your safe social distance, while doing a good deed.
    Last edited by Budsters Mom; 03-22-2020 at 08:01 PM.
    Kathy and Angel Buddy. The mightiest of all lizard hunters!

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

    Today's updare for CA. Warnings are over! Parking lots at parks, beaches, etc. have been closed. Citizens caught out, except for essential services are now being fined $1000. Non essential businesses, who have not closed as mandated, are also being fined. Not sure what the amount is for that. CA's governor is not fooling around. The lockdown is being enforced! The biggest fear/challenge in overtaxing the hospitals, which are already bursting. The Navy medical ship (Mercy) is being deployed to LA. The National Guard has been called up to California. They will be assisting in getting food and supplies to those in need, as well many other duties. FEMA Is also active with all areas of aid.

    On the homefront, Dad is upset because he can't get a haircut and is sick of staying home. My next door neighbor thought that dog grooming was an essential service, she was wrong. Groomers have been closed. The lockdown continues indefinitely. The freeways are empty, which normally would be a gift. Now it's just scary. So far we are well here. We have supplies and food and my job is secure. I'm off on paid leave for now. The governor stated that It is unlikely that students will return to school until fall. My district has not made that determination as if yet. We are supposed to go back April 13th, after Spring Break. Since the state remains on lockdown, that appears unlikely at this point. No one is going anywhere! Anyway, We are safe and well for now.
    Last edited by Budsters Mom; 03-23-2020 at 06:59 PM.
    Kathy and Angel Buddy. The mightiest of all lizard hunters!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

    So glad to hear you’re still safe and secure, Kathy! As severe as those restrictions are, I do think they’re *so* necessary to try to slow the spread. I had my fingers crossed that our Georgia governor was planning to announce a similar plan when I heard there was to be a press conference this afternoon. But no such luck. Just a feeble rehash that restaurants are closed to sit-down meals and that vulnerable citizens should shelter in place. Sheesh, don’t you think we vulnerable geezers aren’t *already* sheltering in place??? Yes, let’s allow everybody else to be out circulating virus until the system is totally overwhelmed. Wise plan. So for the time being, we must hope that at least local mayors will have more sense <SIGH>

    Just as a little comic relief, we received a letter today from our homeowners association telling us that we need to have our dirty gutters painted or replaced within 30 days, or else face a substantial fine. The letter contains a charming photo of our dirty gutter. In the midst of worldwide calamity, our dear neighbors are driving around the neighborhood taking pictures of dirty gutters. How about canvassing to see whether elderly or disabled neighbors need help obtaining groceries or medication or other vital services??? Sometimes crisis brings out the best in humanity. Sometimes not.

    I’m still really trying to limit my daily news exposure because it makes me so sad and worried. From the inside of our house, you wouldn’t really know that anything was wrong or even that different. So I’m continue to wrap myself in that fantasy, at least temporarily...

  6. #26
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    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

    Quote Originally Posted by labblab View Post
    Just as a little comic relief, we received a letter today from our homeowners association telling us that we need to have our dirty gutters painted or replaced within 30 days, or else face a substantial fine. The letter contains a charming photo of our dirty gutter. In the midst of worldwide calamity, our dear neighbors are driving around the neighborhood taking pictures of dirty gutters.
    So hilarious! Thank for the laugh! That's the south for ya! Here in CA, my neighbors would be full of creative suggestions as to where your photographers could put your dirty gutters! So funny!

    Yes, limiting exposure to the news in critical. I have to unplug from all of it in the evening, otherwise sleep is impossible. Instead I put on something light like Big Bang Theory repeats. Libraries are closed and I'm on lockdown, otherwise, I could go get videos. Anything you need to know will come thru on a Special Report that will be repeated numerous times. You are not the only one on News overload. I have been graphing LA's and San Diego daily progression. It is bleak, but also helps me determine the flow and what's likely to happen next. That is much more valuable to me, than listening to horror reports by the minute. The numbers are not encouraging, yet the Math speaks for itself without speculation of impending doom. I've always been Math/Science minded, so this works for me. Find something that will inform you without the News overload. Hopefully, that will help ease your fear.
    Kathy and Angel Buddy. The mightiest of all lizard hunters!

  7. #27
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    York, PA.

    Default Re: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

    Good grief, Marianne, so sorry that those neighbors are insensitive, you'd think that they'd put their efforts into something good.

    Kathy, glad to hear that your supply of toilet paper has been replenished, that was such a nice thing for your friend to do.

    Our Governor has order residents in the 5 counties hardest hit to stay home, the numbers keep rising in the county I live in which is scary. I did go to the grocery store early today, 7am, and it wasn't crowded at all AND their shelves were pretty well stocked!

  8. #28
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    York, PA.

    Default Re: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

    The Governor has just ordered the county I live in to stay home, which won't bother me much since I don't do much traveling.

    Looks like we're gonna have some nice spring days here next week so I'll need to get my hummingbird feeder out! And Leslie, some of those flowers I purchased are starting to come up!

  9. #29
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    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

    Things are going from bad to worse in CA. Daily positive cases are doubling overnight and there is no end in sight. Deaths and intensive care have also increased dramatically. It is being said that CA will be the next epicenter within the next few weeks and will quickly surpass New York's numbers. That is scientific speculation based on many factors. It is bad here and gaining steam, but would be much worse if CA hadn't been first to be locked down. We remain in lockdown for the foreseeable future. I personally know of some people who are assumed to have the virus. One of them was sent to the hospital (I won't say which one). He had a severe cough and was short of breath. He was instructed by hospital personnel to go home. That he needed oxygen now, but there was none available. There were no ventilators available either. Told to come back if his breathing became very slow and raspy. He and his entire family are now in quarantine. He could not be tested to verify, because the hospital had run out of tests, so they assume he has it. This is the exact hospital that I go to with my medical plan. So, if I get sick, I'll either recover on my own, or probably die. I can't count on this hospital to have the resources needed to save me. My dad's plan is connected to another hospital. It is probably not much different there either. My hospital has always provided outstanding care. I have no complaints up to now. They just don't have the resources needed to service so many people at once. Eight medical centers attached to my hospital and medical plan have shutdown within the past couple of days, including the one with my personal physician. The system is bursting at the seams, and they are closing access to care. This pandemic continues to burn through communties gaining fuel as it goes. There is plenty of fuel in California. 40,000,000+ people to fuel the fire. So far my dad and I are doing well. Both of us are suffering from cabin fever.

    My school district is preparing to transfer over to virtual learning following Spring Break, if we end up not being able to resume our school schedule. The final determination will be made next week. There are so many guidelines between the state lockdown procedures and mandates, that returning to school on site is highly unlikely. Education is considered essential, so I will continue to work either way. Staff has already attended meetings virtually, from our own homes. It is pretty cool actually. Almost a 100 staff members on video at the same time. This will be a new learning experience for staff as well as the students. We have well over 1000 students in my school alone. If we do not phsically return to school, my school district, as well as many other districts will proceed virtually. This is unprecedented. A week is the longest we've ever been out in any school year. That has happened twice due to wildfires. We have never had to come up with a plan to go virtual before.

    There is a New Covid-19 cluster in my community. This is now the fourth one identified. It is in a VA administration building. My dad goes there. It is about 15 miles from my house. This VA facility serves thousands of veterans annually. Many of which are elderly and the most vulnerable population. OMG!!! Please pray for those heros who have served our country and are struggling now.

    So much is happening in CA right now. Much of it is terrifying! Most people are taking this seriously now.
    Better late than never. Please stay smart to stay safe and update when you can. It helps me to hear that you all are doing well. This is the second full week that CA has been on lockdown. I have two weeks now of Spring Break as the lockdown continues. I have only left the house once since we have been locked down, and that was only to hunt down groceries. I miss going to work and being with my kids. I am not terribly social, but I do miss the social interaction with friends and staff at work. We have been able to visit virtually, which does help me feel less isolated. I do expect to come through this just fine. I am optimistic as to my outcome, even if I do catch the virus. I am however worried about my dad. He is especially vulnerable. Stay tuned.
    Last edited by Budsters Mom; 03-28-2020 at 01:15 AM.
    Kathy and Angel Buddy. The mightiest of all lizard hunters!

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Corona Virus Pandemic Preparedness

    Oh man, Kathy, I hate it that things are looking so bad out there, even in the midst of the lockdown. There’s so much that remains unknown, but given how much we do know, it fries my brain that so many leaders are still sitting on the sidelines. This has to be my quote of the day, coming from the producer of The Daily Show, Daniel Radosh:

    It's genuinely insane that from country to country, and now from state to state, every single hotspot says "We should have acted earlier" while every place that hasn't been hit yet says, "But we don't have to act now because it's not a problem here."
    We’re still sitting in limbo here in Georgia, waiting for things to truly explode. And then, of course, it will be too late.

    In the absence of capable leadership, all we can do is try to self-limit our own activities and hope there are enough other concerned people doing the same. We only go out a couple times a week to buy groceries or to pick up takeout meals. I start feeling tense whenever I back out of the driveway, wondering if this will be the trip where I get it. But there’s one soul who’s loving it, and that’s Luna! She loves having her dad home 24/7, she loves going on extra “family walks,” and she loves sheltering in place with us on the couch ;-). At least it does my heart good to see her so happy!

    I also love hearing about your hummingbirds and flowers, Lori. Oh, and after I wrote a scathing letter to our HOA, I got a one-line email response telling me that we’d been granted an extension to fix our gutters. So at least there’s that!

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