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Thread: My sweet little Gracie...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Default My sweet little Gracie...

    August 21, 2018: The day I had to make the heart-breaking decision to end Gracie's suffering. Due to failing kidneys and sudden onset diabetes, she had stopped eating the week before. I couldn't even get her to taste a bit of shredded chicken or a piece of McDonald's hamburger, so insulin injections were out of the question. She had spent 3 nights at the pet hospital receiving copious amounts of saline/dextrose solution through an IV catheter. It actually made her feel well enough to take short walks with me around the parking lot. Then they sent her home with me on Friday along with extra saline/dextrose and plenty of needles for 3-4 infusions/day at home. The infusions always gave me a sense of hope because right afterward she would perk up and want to go outside, roll in the grass and walk along the creek, her favorite things to do on a summer day. But in the mornings it was all too apparent that she was not feeling well. On her last day with me, Tuesday, Aug. 21, we did those favorite things one last time. Astonishingly, when we came back inside she accepted one last Dream Bone (her most favorite treat in the whole world) and devoured it. At this point I was doubting my decision to allow her go home with the angels in the next few hours... but after we got to the vet's office, we talked, and I was sure again that it was right for her to be set free. I know I will see my baby girl again.

    With her last Dream Bone...
    Last edited by Gracie's_Dad; 09-06-2018 at 07:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: My sweet little Gracie...

    Oh my goodness, I know it must sound odd to welcome you to posting here to our family at the same time that you are suffering the loss of your sweet girl. But “welcome” I shall say, regardless. We are here to suppprt you in the coming days, and it will be our privilege to hear more about your life with Gracie should you wish to write more. It sounds to me as though the day of of her passage was such a sweet and loving day. And it also sounds to me as though the timing was just as it should be — when Gracie could exit this world both proudly and bravely, cradled in love.

    Thank you so much for sharing her with us on this day. And as I say, please feel free to return to us at any time to share special memories and to tell us how you are doing.

    Sending many hugs to you, always in memory of your dear little girl.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: My sweet little Gracie...

    I also want to let you know that Gracie has now joined our other angels on our special memorial thread of honor:

    We hope it may bring you some comfort to know that your girl will always be honored here, amongst her K9C family.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Glen Cove, NY

    Default Re: My sweet little Gracie...

    I'm so sorry for your loss of sweet Gracie. What pretty pictures! It's so hard to let them go, even knowing it's time. Many hugs to you...
    Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    York, PA.

    Default Re: My sweet little Gracie...

    I am so sorry for the loss of your precious girl, Gracie, and my heart goes out to you at this most difficult time. Please know we are here for you and understand the pain you are feeling, so if at any time you need to vent, talk, or want to share more about your sweet girl, you come back here and we will be honored to listen. Sending you comforting hugs, with my heartfelt sympathy, Lori

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Default Re: My sweet little Gracie...

    Hi Gracie's dad.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. She was a gorgeous girl.

    I know how difficult a decision it had to be. We want our bundles of joy to stay with us as long as they possibly can, but also don't want them to suffer needlessly. How nice that you were able to spend such quality time with her before your parting.

    I hope you are doing okay.

    Heartfelt wishes.
    Glen, Kobe's dad.

    (pronounced Kobay)

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