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Thread: Calcinosis Cutis treatment thread

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Houston, TX

    Default Calcinosis Cutis treatment thread

    Hello, I'd like to offer this thread to catalog calcinosis cutis treatment journeys so that we can learn from the successes of others. I have started documenting my dog, Phoebe's, battle with CC, and you can find the google photo album here:

    I will be periodically updating that album and this thread. Phoebe's CC appeared about a week into treatment (60mg Vetoryl 1x/day) as a thickening of the skin traveling down her spine from the back of her neck to almost her tail. Right after we first noticed it, her hair would pull off in clumps with very little effort. The vet took a sample to test, and we are waiting on the results. However, since she has been diagnosed with Cushing's, the consensus is that it is CC. We are currently treating with MiconaHex+Triz medicated mousse 2x/day, and our vet prescribed cefpodoxime 100mg antibiotics (1x/day for 14 days) to battle any skin infection that may begin.

    3/15/18 - ACTH stem test results:

    Pre: 8.1 ug/dL
    Post: 9.2 ug/dL

    As I was informed in a different thread, the CC will most likely continue to form until her cortizol levels have dropped below 5 ug/dL. Our next ACTH stem test is scheduled for March 30. At this time, the skin does not appear to be bleeding, and seems to be sensitive, if not painful (she flinches when you touch near the effected area.)


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    rural central ARK

    Default Re: Calcinosis Cutis treatment thread

    YAY! Good for you! It will be good to have a place for those affected by this Cushing's complication to share what they learn and what works for their baby!

    I would like to contribute to this educational thread on calcinosis cutis by sharing a thread where lots of info can be gleaned -
    "May you know that absence is full of tender presence and that nothing is ever lost or forgotten." John O'Donahue, "Eternal Echoes"

    Death is not a changing of worlds as most imagine, as much as the walls of this world infinitely expanding.

  3. #3
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    Houston, TX

    Default Re: Calcinosis Cutis treatment thread

    Crosspost from lulusmom in a separate thread:

    Quote Originally Posted by lulusmom View Post
    Lola, if you have a facebook account, I recommend that you join a relatively new group called Calcinosis Cutis in Dogs. You will see many pictures of dogs as well as read about treatments other members are using that might be helpful. You will definitely see pictures of French Bull Dogs. I have provided a link to that group below:

  4. #4
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    Apr 2008

    Default Re: Calcinosis Cutis treatment thread

    Here are a few pdf files I have in my library that members may find interesting/helpful.

    Calcinosis Cutis in Dogs - Histopathological and Clinical Assessment of 46 Cases.pdf

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Calcinosis Cutis treatment thread

    I am late to the party, Leah, but I think this thread is a great idea and I thank you for starting it! In fact, I’m gonna go ahead and make this one of the informational threads that stay “stuck” near the top of the forum index page ;-). It will be so good to have this place where we can consolidate related info/research about CC.


  6. #6
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    Default Re: Calcinosis Cutis treatment thread

    Great idea Leah.
    Sharlene and the late great diva - Molly muffin (always missed and never forgotten)

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Calcinosis Cutis treatment thread

    I am awaiting results from the most recent ACTH stim test, but I can tell that the CC has continued to grow along her back and there will be more hair that will come out before it's done. The vet said that the skin where it began seems to be healing nicely, and hopefully the rest of the skin will follow suit. We bathe her at least once a week and schluff off the little hair nodules that are coming off, but it seems that the skin underneath is in ok shape. The vet gave her another antibiotic to treat a urinary issue, that will also help her skin fight off any infection while the CC continues. We continue to use the MiconaHex+Triz medicated mousse or spray twice a day, and shampoo with the MiconaHex+Triz shampoo. So far, that is all the skin treatment she is receiving, but the results seem promising. My vet did mention DMSO gel, but is hesitant to suggest it at this time because of how strong it is. I think we're both pleased with how the skin is healing so far.

    The CC will not stop until her levels are within normal range, but at least the exposed skin seems to be healthy. We just have to go through this with the rest of her skin until it's done calcifying. My next step is to look into some kind of moisturizing treatment for her bare skin.

    As always, updated pictures can be found in her Google album with notes for each set. I'm trying to take the photos directly after she's bathed so the fur isn't full of the mousse, and I've started taking them with a ruler to help document the span.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Calcinosis Cutis treatment thread

    Test results from 4/18/18

    Pre: 2.1 ug/dL (Range 2-6)
    Post: 5.3 ug/dL (Range 6-18)

    I spoke with the doctor today and he confirmed that her skin is healing nicely where the CC started, and that he could see new hair growing back. He also explained that the new CC that I'm seeing may in fact be a result of previous calcification and that it should start to subside as we keep her cortisol levels down. I think we've officially started the healing process. We discussed that this will be a long road, and so my expectations are that it will take several months to see real improvement, but knowing that it should at least stop getting worse is a relief. He's happy with her skin condition where it's healed, so we're going to continue the MiconaHex + Triz regimen for now as it seems to be working well for her. He wants to see her in a month to see how she is doing overall.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Calcinosis Cutis treatment thread

    Over the past few days, Phoebe had started whining and pacing for seemingly no reason. She was not favoring any body part or doing anything physically to indicate what the source of the discomfort was. We had been treating her for a confirmed UTI with antibiotics for 10 days, and she seemed to be better for a day about 6 days in, but then started the whining. Also, her back has been very sensitive and, when she is rubbed or scratched there, she rolls into it dramatically and kind of rolls into the floor. (Which proves challenging around any corners as she throws all of her weight in one direction.) I spoke with the doctor and he prescribed some allergy medicine (Apoquel 8mg twice a day) and another antibiotic (Enroflaxacin 68mg) to treat the UTI in case the previous round did not knock it out and that's what is causing the pain.

    After starting her on the new antibiotic and the allergy meds, she isn't whining so I think maybe the allergy meds are helping. It's also possible that the CC was erupting through her skin on her lower back by her tail over several days and has finally finished. That area is sensitive for her, and since she's reacting so dramatically to being touched there, I think the CC is making her back really uncomfortable. I'm hoping the worst is over and that's the end of the eruptions. We continue to bathe her frequently with the MiconaHex+Triz shampoo and treat her back with the same spray. I may start looking at some kind of moisturizer to treat her skin as it heals. It seems kind of dry.

    Updated photos in her album:

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Calcinosis Cutis treatment thread

    I brought Phoebe to the vet Friday 5/11/18 and explained what was going on. My perception was that the whining and pacing seemed to coincide with meal time, so he decided to try treating a possible ulcer in her stomach in case her anticipation of food was exacerbating the problem and causing her discomfort. I had her on Pepcid 10mg 2x a day and Nexium 20mg 1x a day for about a week. I did not notice any real improvement, and last Saturday she got diarrhea, so I panicked and decided to discontinue the meds. (I also noticed that there was no real time that the spells occurred, and that was my perception because that was when we were home.) Thankfully, it was just one bout, so her bowels seem to be fine now, and in the mean time I ordered some DMSO with aloe vera and Jax n Daisy lotion for her back. I've been putting the DMSO on every day or so, and the lotion when she seems to be irritated (panting, whining) and I think it's helping. Her back is looking really good and, save a couple of late patches on either side of her spine, most of the calcinosis seems to be erupted and gone. I'm hoping that the residual patches are what is causing the irritation (and her sensitivity in those areas leads me to believe that is the case), and that the DMSO and lotion will continue to help her as those heal. I'm going to give her a good bath tonight and take some new pictures to compare the change. I have discontinued the MiconaHex +Triz spray for now, but continue to use the shampoo to bathe her.

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