Re: What should I expect?
Hi Laura and welcome to you and your baby boy!
You can expect your world to change in many ways if your baby does have Cushing's....and many of those ways are good. For example, you will make friends from all over the world, some for the rest of your life, and you will learn a great deal about things you've never even heard of until before you know it you find yourself reaching out to help someone new. You will also become an even better pet parent than you are now....and I know you are a good parent because you are here expressing your concerns proving just how much you care and how far you are willing to go to help your baby boy be the best possible.
You can expect to receive our best regardless of the situation. If you will look at the top of the page you will see these words under the web page heading - support, educate, encourage, remember. We live by those words and offer them all to you. We will give you our most meaningful feedback and when we don't understand we will ask for more information that we might be able to understand. If we do not know, we will say that as well....then help you try to find the answer. If those tough days come, we will help you thru. And in the darkest of times, we will hold your hand and walk with you thru the valley. You and your little boy are now part of our family here at K9C.
As for what to expect about the testing he is going to have, it is possible that he may be a bit "off" after the test. Not all dogs experience this and the degree varies among those that do. So don't worry if he's not himself for the 24 hours or so following the test(s). If, IF, the test(s) show he probably does have Cushing's then you are in the best possible place right here with us. But today just breath and try to enjoy spending time with your baby boy. IF he does have Cushing's, you can do this, odds are he will do fine once he's stabilized - and we are with you all the way.
It is a really good idea to start getting copies of all the test results from now on if you can. The actual numbers not the invoice. We will be asking LOTS of questions and the answers to many can be found in those test results. And it's just a good idea to have a file of all the records at home just in case he ever has to see another vet - you walk in the door with everything already in hand.
The most important thing you need to hold onto right now is this - Cushing's is not a death sentence. Most cush pups live out their normal lifespan and beyond, passing from something unrelated to Cushing's. My first cush baby, Squirt, passed at the age of 16+ of age related issues...and it had been about 7 years since we had first heard the word "Cushing's".
I'm glad you found us and look forward to learning more about you and your sweet boy as time passes IF IF IF he does have Cushing's. Regardless, we will want to hear from you every now and then to let us know how ya'll are doing.
Leslie and the gang
"May you know that absence is full of tender presence and that nothing is ever lost or forgotten." John O'Donahue, "Eternal Echoes"
Death is not a changing of worlds as most imagine, as much as the walls of this world infinitely expanding.