My big boy Gable - sweet Gabe is now at peace
I had Gabe , who is 7 years old, at the vet for blood work because I was worried about Cushing's, but the vet said the blood work came back perfect, except for low thyroid. Tested further on the thyroid and it came back low normal.
The only thing that showed as "high" was his Triglycerides and Urinalysis:
His Triglycerides were: 1129 ref. range: 29 - 291
Urinalysis: ph: 7.5 ref. range: 5.5 - 7.0
Protein: 1+
Does any of this mean anything?
For a while, Gable has been drinking a lot (this all started before Lena's diagnosis and where in fact, I first heard about Cushings). He had fur loss along his rump, and pees rivers, but never in the house. He pants constantly, but he's a big boy around 75 - 80 pounds. He's some lab mix, not really sure what else is in there. He has had episodes of vomiting and diarrhea, which also started before Lena died, but he has a sensitive stomach and sometimes swallows things whole. His teeth are fine. His stomach issues are a lot better now that we don't feed him anything new or give him treats that he might swallow.
As I've mentioned, since Lena died he has thrown up a couple of times, and his stool is almost always loose. After a few months of Melatonin, his fur has come back like puppy fur and he hasn't lost anymore. I still think that the fur loss was due to his rubbing against the boxwoods in the backyard.
Lately though he seems to drool a lot more. Even when he's lying on the floor, he now leaves wet marks from drool. His panting has always worried me, he breathes hard even when he's sleeping. The vet has listened to his heart and lungs and says they're fine.
I don't know...maybe I'm just being paranoid because of Lena; and I know he still misses her; he knows when I'm sad...but sometimes I feel like something is wrong. He doesn't eat his kibble as much as he used to, but will still beg for table food and snacks.
Last edited by Joan2517; 11-09-2016 at 01:31 PM.
Reason: forgot to put the reasons for suspecting Cushings
Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.