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Thread: 12 year old Maltese with Cushings no Improvement

  1. #1

    Default 12 year old Maltese with Cushings no Improvement

    My 7.4 lb. dog has been treating with Trilostane since January 31, one month with 5mg per day and since 2/24/15 with 10 mg per day. I have not seen any difference in her condition. Is this normal? How long should it take if she is on the right dose?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    rural central ARK

    Default Re: 12 year old Maltese with Cushings no Improvement

    MODERATOR NOTE: Your post has been manually approved so that members can start responding to you. Please check your email, possibly your spam / junk folder, for a message from k9cushings. You will need to reply to that email so that your post go directly to the board and are not delayed waiting for approval. If you have already received and responded to the confirmatory email, please be patient. Your registration will be finalized shortly. Thanks and welcome!
    "May you know that absence is full of tender presence and that nothing is ever lost or forgotten." John O'Donahue, "Eternal Echoes"

    Death is not a changing of worlds as most imagine, as much as the walls of this world infinitely expanding.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Re: 12 year old Maltese with Cushings no Improvement

    Hello and welcome to the forum.

    Do you know what her ACTH test numbers are since you increased to 10mg per day?
    You are looking for a post number of below 9.0 ug if symtoms are resolved/better and below 5.0 ug if they are not. Cortisol can continue to drop even at 30 days on the same dose, then it usually will level out and you either need a increase or decrease until you get to that right spot.

    Every dog reacts differently, as in how fast they react to the medication and some take higher doses, and others lesser. It really is trial and error when starting out.

    What symptoms does she have? How was she diagnosed? LDDS, ACTH, ultrasound? Are there any other areas in the bloodwork that high/low? If so could you post them? for example ALPH 759 ug range (50 - 150ug)

    Welcome again to the forum.
    Sharlene and the late great diva - Molly muffin (always missed and never forgotten)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: 12 year old Maltese with Cushings no Improvement

    Welcome from me, too! Just wanted to tell you that your membership has now been manually approved, so you can disregard the email confirmation request that you likely received.

    Also, I want to suggest that you may want to change your username so that your email address is not publicly visible on this international forum . If so, just tell us what alternative username you'd like to select and a site administrator can easily make that edit.


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