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Thread: We Honor Mother's Day

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Re: We Honor Mother's Day

    I think for those whose moms have passed on we will always miss them. There is always a special section on our hearts reserved just for them.
    I still go out and chat with mom and Molly's stars in the sky.

    Happy mothers day everyone
    Sharlene and the late great diva - Molly muffin (always missed and never forgotten)

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: We Honor Mother's Day

    Yes, this is the first Mother’s Day without my mom and it sucks! Those of you who are blessed to still have your mom with you, never take her for granted. No matter how long you have her, it’s never long enough.
    Last edited by Budsters Mom; 05-10-2020 at 06:14 PM.
    Kathy and Angel Buddy. The mightiest of all lizard hunters!

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: We Honor Mother's Day

    Quote Originally Posted by labblab View Post
    For all our moms, we honor and celebrate this special day, regardless of whether our children are physically alongside us or whether they are safely tucked inside our hearts. There may be tears today, alongside smiles. There may be aching alongside comfort. But forever and always, we are moms. And forever and always, our babies remain cherished.

    With much love, to and from our entire k9C family ~
    I just wanted to repeat my well wishes to all our K9C moms this weekend, especially those who have suffered losses and separations during this past, most difficult, year. Hopefully there have finally been some reunions again, as well! But for all those who are missing their own moms or their babies, I send you my wishes for peace and comfort. Even though our arms may be empty, let our hearts remain forever full.


  4. #24
    Join Date
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    rural central ARK

    Default Re: We Honor Mother's Day

    Thank you, Marianne. I know yesterday was difficult for you but I hope you were able to rely on the more uplifting memories to carry you thru.

    For me, yesterday was bittersweet. Not only because of Gia but it was the 7th anniversary of Squirt's passing. However, my son was able to come see me. He and his girlfriend came down and took me to lunch. So he brought much joy into the day for me, something I will cherish always.
    "May you know that absence is full of tender presence and that nothing is ever lost or forgotten." John O'Donahue, "Eternal Echoes"

    Death is not a changing of worlds as most imagine, as much as the walls of this world infinitely expanding.

  5. #25
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    Apr 2009

    Default Re: We Honor Mother's Day

    Oh Leslie, that’s *terrific* news about getting to have lunch with your son!! I’m so happy for you! I surely do understand about your mixture of feelings associated with yesterday, but I know what a tremendous gift it was for you to spend time with your son.

    Tons of happy hugs for you!

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: We Honor Mother's Day

    Another year has passed, and another Mother’s Day is here. I just want to send my warmest thoughts to all our family once again. May today be filled with love, both in action and in memory. Love for all our moms and all our babies, forever alive in our hearts.

    Many, many hugs to all.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Colorado Springs,Co

    Default Re: We Honor Mother's Day

    So sweet. Thank you Marianne.
    Bittersweet always... (wonderful day with my mom, so thankful for her. She will be 92 this Friday.).. and missing my sweet little girl Ginger, which I always, always will.
    Hope you had a wonderful day.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: We Honor Mother's Day

    Quote Originally Posted by labblab View Post
    Amazingly, another year has already rolled around, and we are once again gathered together in loving remembrance and celebration of all our babies and all our moms. Our K9C family salutes each and every one. May those among us who are broken-hearted on this day feel our love and support. May those among us who are feeling stronger reach out to offer that support. Once a mom, always a mom. Forever and ever and ever.

    Love grants us the power to hold our babies safely in our hearts forever.

    Many hugs to all,
    For the first time in 30 years, I’ll be celebrating this day without my mom or a furkid physically beside me. My mom left us four years ago, and Luna left us five months ago. I have no human children, so my dogs have truly always been my little ones. It’s an odd feeling for the house to be so quiet this morning. But the sun is shining brightly, and my long-standing tradition has been to plant flowers in my window boxes and porch pots on this day. My mom and I always did it together when she was here. The doggies always loved to sniff and watch when they were here. Today it will just be me and the flower blooms. But in my mind’s eye and in my heart, everyone will still be joining in. And I’ll think of them all every time I look at my flowers.

    Sending my best wishes for peace and comfort to all our family on this Mother’s Day morning. No matter what, love is forever.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Glen Cove, NY

    Default Re: We Honor Mother's Day

    That's such a lovely tradition, Marianne. My mom died almost three years ago, but with the Alzheimer's, was really gone years before that. The last few years she could not celebrate with us. Memories come up on Facebook of days with her and those without.

    And of course I miss all my furbabies who have left us, they are in those Facebook memories as well. I still have Cooper and my feels weird only having two dogs, LOL! The grandsons are busy with their own friends and activities, so this Mother's Day will be a quiet one with just me and hubby. He has had some energy these last couple of weeks and is busy restoring all my garden ornaments that have rusted. My garden is flourishing and me and the dogs will just sit outside, relax, and I will read or crochet...and take plenty of pictures, of course. Not a bad way to spend the day!

    So, Happy Mother's Day to you, dear Marianne! And to all my sisters on this forum.....
    Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.

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