Happy Mothers Day. It isn't an easy one, but it is one that you won't go through by yourself.
Big Hugs!
Happy Mothers Day. It isn't an easy one, but it is one that you won't go through by yourself.
Big Hugs!
Sharlene and the late great diva - Molly muffin (always missed and never forgotten)
Wanted to bump this thread back up again, partly and selfishly just for myself. Next month will mark the first anniversary of my sweet Peg's passing, and I remember so clearly what a lovely and special Mother's Day weekend we had spent beforehand. Just like this year, we were lucky enough to have my mom here with us, joining hubby, Luna and me. Peg had an especially lovely time, surrounded by all her adoring family. But after that weekend had passed, her downward slide accelerated.
So today dawns as a bittersweet morning for me. I am so grateful for what and "who" surrounds me. But in the corner of my mind and heart, I am seeing my shiny black dog and wishing so much that I could truly set my eyes on her once again.
Thanks to all my furkids who have made me such a proud mom. I love you all -- Luna beside me, and Barkis and Peg at Rainbow Bridge. I will always love you all.
Your Mom
To all the moms, whether you have/had human or furkids, we honor you on this day and every day. You go above and beyond to care for your loved ones in a way that mom's naturally do.
Last edited by Budsters Mom; 05-14-2017 at 02:24 PM.
Kathy and Angel Buddy. The mightiest of all lizard hunters!
I understand completely. Daniel always gave me a card signed by him and Molly muffin. She was our little girl and I miss her something awful.
Mothers Days aren't the same without her.
Sharlene and the late great diva - Molly muffin (always missed and never forgotten)
My second Mother's Day without my precious Lena...still so hard to believe.
Happy Mother's Day to all of us...from our babies in Heaven to all the ones still with us, who show us unconditional love everyday.
Joan, mom to my Angel Lena, Angel Gable, Angel Phoenix, Angel Doree, Cooper, Sibble, and now Raina.
My first Mother's Day without my boy, my fourth without my Mom. She was in a wheelchair near the end, and Whiskey would always position himself under the wheelchair with his head between her feet to catch all of her crumbs (she had Parkinson's so she made LOTS of crumbs) we would get lots of laughs out of that. Hoping they're together now in some way.
Happy Mothers Day to all!
Amazingly, another year has already rolled around, and we are once again gathered together in loving remembrance and celebration of all our babies and all our moms. Our K9C family salutes each and every one. May those among us who are broken-hearted on this day feel our love and support. May those among us who are feeling stronger reach out to offer that support. Once a mom, always a mom. Forever and ever and ever.
Love grants us the power to hold our babies safely in our hearts forever.
Many hugs to all,
Beautifully said Marianne. Thank you
That was lovely Marianne!
Sharlene and the late great diva - Molly muffin (always missed and never forgotten)
I wanted to pause here today, once again, to offer my warmest thoughts to all our K9C moms. This is my second Mother’s Day without my own mom, and 27 years since my precious Barkis first made me a mom myself. Such dear memories of all those we have loved, and still do. I am so grateful for this morning’s perfect walk with little Luna. I felt as though Spirit Peg and Spirit Barkis were right there beside us on this bright sunny day. Upon our return, though, the house is now quiet without my mom greeting us and giving Lunie a hug. I still miss her so much. I always will. In closing, I’d like to repeat a bit of what I wrote a couple of years ago:
MarianneMay those among us who are broken-hearted on this day feel our love and support. May those among us who are feeling stronger reach out to offer that support. Once a mom, always a mom. Love grants us the power to hold our babies safely in our hearts forever.