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Thread: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings - Ginger has passed

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    New York, NY

    Default Re: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings

    hmmm, I'm no expert with the numbers. If you are able to get copies of your tests from the vet then post the results and the normal values here--the norm numbers are there on the test-- and then people here will be able to help you with how the numbers look.
    I believe the medication will help your dog, even if the numbers are high. It doesn't happen overnight. My dog is not on Lysodren, but neither of the Cushings medications work instantly. I thought I would give my dog the first pill and see her drinking lessen right away...but no, it didn't happen that way.
    I remember how helpless it feels when the dog seems so miserable, you just want the meds to stop all the symptoms. I'm not that familiar with everything about Lysodren so I can't answer much about it. I just know you give it with food, but I think the Lyso info link was in someone's earlier post. My dog's symptoms were also worse in the evenings. We didn't have too much snorting, maybe if you can prop up her front half, like she's on an incline it will take some pressure off her abdomen and maybe that would help. My dog was bloated and had an enlarged liver and seemed uncomfortable. I'd try propping her up so she wasn't lying flat...but then she'd move to the floor. It's common for dogs with this to lay on the floor because it's cooler and the excess cortisol makes them hot.
    Things will probably begin to subside soon...I know it's hard to deal with in the meantime though.


  2. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Long Island, New York

    Default Re: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings

    Quote Originally Posted by goldengirl88 View Post
    Sometimes snorting and reverse sneezing can be from trachael issues. Cushings causes the cartlige to weaken and not hold it's been shape which collapses the trachea. My Tipper has it so that's how I know? She does do the snorting, and congested sounds from her throat. She used to have real breathing issues, and make so much noise? The Adequan shots have helped that a lot.It was so bad at one point she went to the hospital and had a scope run down her throat, and up her nose, they could not find anything. She starts honking too, and sort of hiccups at times and she panics as she cannot get air, and it scares the crap out of me. I hope you can get to the source of the problem. I would be looking for answers from an IMS. Is you dog standing or laying when this happens or both? Blessings
    Hi Patti. It's funny you are talking about the snorting , because Sophie was diagnosed in December. But I noticed she was snorting and making pig sounds especially when smelling for food droppings on the floor. We always thought it was allergies because sometimes her nose runs clear. A few years ago she had a chest X-ray because of that and the vet says it's the way her trachea is. Whatever that means. She doesn't seem to be bothered by it. It bothers me more because I think something is bothering her. It seems to have gotten worse with the Cushings and I didn't really know if it was related until I read your post. Is it dangerous? Is there something I can do about it? By the way, I'm glad you had a good day with Tipper and she is feeling better. I always end my nite by reading the new posts on the forum before bed.

    Barbara and Sophie, (New York, USA), canine, 10 YO, F, Spayed, Weight 19 lbs, Dx PDH 11/24/13, started 10mg 2x a day of Vetoryl x one month, now going up to 15mg 2x a day. Last Stim on jan 18. Pre 4.8. Post 11. Remaining on trilo 20mg 2x a day.

    Sophie and Sophie's Mom

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings

    It can lead to a dangerous situation if the trachea closes and they cannot get air.They will start honking as the trachea is collapsed. If it does not reopen they can't breathe. The rings of cartlige in the trachea are weekend by Cushing's. That makes them collapse. When my Tipper smells the ground she snorts like a pig, it is from this. I get her Adequan injections, which have been very good at helping this as Ican tell when she is due for a shot. I also give her GlycoflexIII to help build cartlige. Cushing's definitely plays an part in tracheal disease. If the wind blows and Tipper gets too much air in her nose, she starts honking.If she gets real excited she starts honking. I would see about the shots from your vet, and the cartlige supplements. Blessings
    Tipper and Tipper's Mom

    "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
    Mahatma Ghandi

  4. #24
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    Default Re: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings

    Hi Patti. I looked up that drug Adequan, and it says it's used for arthritis. I don't understand how that helps the trachea?

    Sophie and Sophie's Mom

  5. #25
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    Default Re: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings

    Arthritis is the breaking down of cartilage. Adequan helps rebuild cartilage. The rings that hold the trachea open are made of cartilage, which is damaged by Cushings. I believe the Adequan binds to the cartilage to strengthen it. I can usually tell when Tipper is due for a shot by the sounds she is making. You start with an series of 8 shots twice a week. After that series you go to one a month. Tipper goes every three weeks as her trachea is bad. Hope that helps you understand the Adequan usage. Blessings
    Tipper and Tipper's Mom

    "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
    Mahatma Ghandi

  6. #26
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    Colorado Springs,Co

    Default Re: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings

    Hi. Ginger did not want her supper last night, was sick and had diarrhea.Did not want anything this morning, so I did not feed her or give her her Lysodren. Called the vet this morning and we took her in for her follow up ACTH Test. Since then she has been sick a few times today. Still not much appetite, but does seem a little hungry. Any suggestions as to what I could feed her that would settle better? Thank you so much to all of you. You have been a big help.

  7. #27
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    Default Re: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings

    Boiled boneless, skinless chicken breast and rice. Add a little extra water to the rice and cook it until it's mush. This is very easy on the tummy and is usually what a lot of vet's prescribe after a bad bout of pancreatitis. Feed her small, more frequent meals for the next couple of days.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings

    Thank you Lulusmom!!! Appreciate all the help.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Re: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings

    So you loaded for 7 days with lysodren and then, how long was it from her last pill till the ACTH test today? Remember that lysodren will continue to lower the cortisol for 48 hours from the last pill. So, if the test is done sooner than that, then expect the actual number will be lower than what the test shows. When do you get the results of the ACTH?

    Let us know if Ginger eats and is able to keep it down.

    Sharlene and molly muffin
    Sharlene and the late great diva - Molly muffin (always missed and never forgotten)

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    York, PA.

    Default Re: 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings

    Did your vet give you any prednisone? Were her electrolytes checked also?

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