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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Beloved Zoe

    Darling, I cant write this now. You know Mama, all fo a sudden the words will spill out and not stop. I will be back to write to you. I though perhaps I should put the first chapter of our book here but now it seems inadequate. For now, my darling, kisses to our head, holding you to my chest, feel me breathe in and out and then run, my darlling Zoe, and go to my Dad. He will love you until we meet again. He has listened to my prayers for you so many times. I will scatter your ashes on his grave on your birthday. Then I know I can always go where you will be together. He is a great Dad you will love him.
    addy, zoe and koko

    My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet. ~Edith Wharton

    Memory is the power to gather roses in the winter

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Beloved Zoe

    Sweet Zoe,

    We love you because of the wonderful gift your Mom shared with us. That gift was your life and adventures. It always made me smile when dinner time came because of "skip, hop, bark". I loved that! I can just picture you "skip, hop, barking" ALL the time! Xxxxxx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    San Diego, Ca

    Default Re: Beloved Zoe

    Dear Zoe
    You were a princess, a fighter, a leader. We loved you for your courage, mischievous anti tics, your courage, your role model. Just for being you. Sweet Angel watch over your Mom.
    Love and
    Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo
    Dear Addy take the time to grieve and rest and when you are ready you will write.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Beloved Zoe

    Kitchen was awfully quiet tonight, sweet girl. Koko did ok without you. I know you are watching out for him. We bought him a new squeaky ball but he cant fit it in his mouth. It is the same ball you chewed up three times on him so not sure what is up with that.

    Love you more if that is even possible. Thank you for all you have given me Zoe. You blessed me with so very much.

    When I am gone, do not cry and shed wild tears but carry on in my name
    I will always honor your memory my darling Zoe. Never to be forsaken.
    addy, zoe and koko

    My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet. ~Edith Wharton

    Memory is the power to gather roses in the winter

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Beloved Zoe


    I found these snippets on my work computer going through all your health files. All the pain of those early days when they told us you had Cushings. I write them here now so I remember that too and then I will write the rest when I can. Dearest Love of My Life.

    So many stories to tell, my love, so many good stories to tell. But maybe we have to start with the bad to work to the good.

    I call “Hi, how are you!” and wave my hand. Zoe starts barking, scanning the street. One ear goes back, a quizzical look on her face. We walk a few more steps and I try it again. She gives the same response.

    Now I yell “Hi, how are you” and then click and give her chicken before she barks. We practice the rest of the way home. I start yelling “Hi, how are you?” in the house. She seems confused and runs to the front door.

    Today we go for our walk. I yell ‘Hi, how are you” and she turns to me and sits, eyes soft, no bark. I click and give her chicken. She knows now she doesn’t need to be worried. “Hi, how are you” = chicken. I laugh and laugh and we head for home.


    The most beautiful dog I ever saw- the joy has been sucked out of me. My beautiful, smart, little dog with so many problems may now have Cushing’s disease. The world is dark, I can’t even go into the pet store. I cry all the time and then make myself smile as I near the house. She musn’t know my pain. But, of course she will know something is wrong no matter how hard I try to hide it.
    The most beautiful dog I ever saw, Zoe, I can’t bear the thought of losing her.


    I put Cushings in the drawer or the box. I tell it loudly “Get in the box now!” I have not cried for two days. Zoe seems more playful. I hope I am able to keep Cushings in the box!

    I didn’t know I held my breath when she poops, but I did. She looks up at me with a worried look on her face. Now I plant a smile on my face and breathe. If it is bad, I tell her, well, now, that’s not so bad, good job. If it is good I smile and tell her good job.
    Breathe in, breathe out, I must remember to breathe.

    Anticipatory grief. I did not know it had a name. I am not crazy, just grieving over a beloved family member, my Zoe . I fear the future and what it will bring. Guilt over the past, is it my fault she has this disease? Live in the now? How? I was supposed to write a book. I only finished chapter one. It was to be about a woman and her love for a little dog from Animal Control, written in a warm, witty style. Will it now be of our journey together and how it relates to her disease? Zoe, my Zoe, oh, how I love my Zoe. How do I write your story now?

    I remember the night Zoe learned “rest”. I did not know what to call the behavior and it morphed into more than what I initially thought it would be. We tried our hand at free shaping. I sat on the floor with my pile of chicken and waited for her to throw out a fun behavior. Those big, black rimmed eyes looked at me and I swear she had a grin on her face. Always that quizzical yet comical glint in her eye that not many people were privileged to see. Finally she nodded, touching her chin to the floor. “YES!” I excitedly cried and clicked and gave her chicken. Then I waited. She looked at me for a brief moment and did it again. A click and more chicken were her reward. I saw the light go on in her eyes. She is always too smart.


    So much to say, where do I start? I can’t start, tears flow and my throat freezes up. I can’t talk about her. When will I be able to ? When it is too late? So many stories, so many memories, my Zoe. Why do I love you so?


    It was -16 degrees the day hope died. The arctic cold had settled in and did not want to leave. The weather stayed dismal with no end in sight. The world was gray and dark, cold beyond belief and no matter how hard I tried I could not remember how to gather roses or what they even looked like.
    Everything was in slow motion; bursts of energy “I will fix it” would dissolve into a slow emptiness, as if I were standing still. I was moving, breathing, doing what needed to be done but my world barely moved, she barely moved. The slower Zoe got, the slower the world became.
    Koko started to change as well. He became quiet, trying to comfort her, lying near her when he could. I saw it in his face first though I tried so hard not to recognize it. Koko knew before I did that hope died.
    Fear, anger, denial, acceptance.
    The day hope died it was -16 degrees and there was only one end in sight.
    I love you Zoe.
    Last edited by addy; 02-25-2014 at 02:30 PM.
    addy, zoe and koko

    My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet. ~Edith Wharton

    Memory is the power to gather roses in the winter

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    San Diego, Ca

    Default Re: Beloved Zoe

    Dear Addy
    This is so beautifully written from the heart. When the time is right keep these posts to write in your book. I started to write about 3 pages and have still not restarted. We need to keep them remembered somehow. Sweet Zoe, we all miss you.
    Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

    Everything you are going through is real.

  7. #7
    paulawhitcomb Guest

    Default Re: Beloved Zoe

    You need to be strong!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2012
    New Zealand

    Default Re: Beloved Zoe

    She is!!!
    Stop worrying about what can go wrong and start getting excited about what can go right!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    York, PA.

    Default Re: Beloved Zoe

    Quote Originally Posted by Trish View Post
    She is!!!
    I second that, Trish

    Huge loving hugs to you, dear Addy.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Re: Beloved Zoe

    Quote Originally Posted by Harley PoMMom View Post
    I second that, Trish

    Huge loving hugs to you, dear Addy.
    Strong like bull!!
    Hugs and hand squeeze,
    "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."
    -C. S. Lewis

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