It's buddy's birthday today in Australia so three cheers for the birthday boy!! I'm sure tom and tam are throwing a party for him!!
It's buddy's birthday today in Australia so three cheers for the birthday boy!! I'm sure tom and tam are throwing a party for him!!
Happy, Happy Birthday Week, sweet Buddy Boy!!!
Hope you have a nice sleep-in this morning after your party, but I'll bet all your pals still have some more fun up their, fur...for today!
Much love from Auntie Marianne
Happy birthday sweet Buddy. I told Apollo to give you a great birthday party with Squirt, Zoe and our other Angels.
Sorry we're a bit late but hopefully Buddy and friends are still partying.
We're late to the party, too! Happy Birthday, Buddy!
"May you know that absence is full of tender presence and that nothing is ever lost or forgotten." John O'Donahue, "Eternal Echoes"
Death is not a changing of worlds as most imagine, as much as the walls of this world infinitely expanding.
Happy belated Birthday Buddy!!! I am certain you had quite the party with all your friends at the bridge. I bet the lizards were all worn out! I hope you didn't let my Dakota eat all the cake.
Kathy, thanks so much for your post on Dakota's thread. It seems that this is a tough month for many of us on the forum.
Tina and Jasper xo
The bond with a true dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth will ever be. ~ Konrad Lorenz
The beautiful ones you always seem to lose. ~ Prince
And the road goes on forever... ~ Gregg Allman
Oh Buddy boy,
On July 2 you flew two years ago. You would never guess what has happened here as we approach our second anniversary. We are overrun with baby lizards. There are literally hundreds of them in the backyard scurrying everywhere! They are about 2 inches Long from head to tail and super skinny. You would've been in heaven on earth!
Rosie will never be a mighty lizard Hunter, but she manages to catch several a day. She doesn't drop them on command like you did. I have to pry them from her mouth. Some I manage to save. Some are not so lucky and end up in the lizard graveyard over the fence. There have been a lot of cats hanging around the backyard trying to get the lizards. You never would have allowed that! Thus is the circle of life.
While you were on patrol, birds did not have the nerve to invade your airspace, moreless a cat entering any part of the yard or a baby lizard explosion occurring. Time rolls on baby boy. I so wish I could turn back the clock about 10 years and do it all again.
I hope you're happy. Keep welcoming the newbies with that beautiful smile.
Love you forever and a day,
Last edited by Budsters Mom; 06-30-2015 at 04:56 PM.
Thanks for the candle Marianne. It was very sweet. It's tough right now. Damn tough!
Then again, I haven't really faced Buddy's loss, so what do I expect?
Oh you are so welcome, Kathy. And I wish I had some great advice to offer, but as you probably saw, I had to go back and add another candle for Barkis, too. Even after all these years, I still miss him so dearly.
I don't know if the missing part every goes away. I don't think so. I'll always miss my Tasha and Tipsy and it's been many many years.
big hugs kathy and marianne too. Sometimes we just need a hug.
Sharlene and the late great diva - Molly muffin (always missed and never forgotten)