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Thread: Trixie - Schnauzer being treated with Vetoryl - Trixie has crossed The Bridge

  1. #781
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Re: almost diagnosed

    Thinking of you today Barbara. I hope everything went well and it was a beautiful funeral.

    Kind of liking Trish's idea of a big girl spa day. LOL

    Sharlene and Molly Muffin
    Sharlene and the late great diva - Molly muffin (always missed and never forgotten)

  2. #782
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: almost diagnosed

    I have been thinking of you and your sweet mom every day and hope that you are making it thru all this ok. You have family so lean on them for support. Blessings
    Tipper and Tipper's Mom

    "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
    Mahatma Ghandi

  3. #783
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    New York, NY

    Default Re: almost diagnosed

    Many thanks again to everyone for all the's so appreciated. The service for my mother was really beautiful. It was outdoors at her graveside, the weather was perfect..the cemetery is an aboretum and very beautiful. My parents are now both buried beneath a canopy of trees which were so pretty with Fall foliage. We had beautiful flowers-all pink and white, my mom's favorites and a classical guitarist to play the music. My husband and the minister from my mother's church each did a eulogy. Kind of hard to walk away at the end, but it all went as I hoped it would. I think my mother would have approved.
    Funny thing...I looked on google maps and if you start at my parents graves and go directly south in a straight shot you will be exactly in the den of their house where they sat every night to watch TV, that's kind of comforting.

    On to Trixie. Everything went just fine with the dog sitter. As always I have a lot more problems with the anticipation of dropping her off than I do actually doing it. The sitter was at the door when we got to her building and Trixie was fine, there were two other dogs and Trixie likes company. When we picked her up in the evening she was so hyper it was like she got shot up with a triple dose of cortisol. Going crazy in the car greeting us...ugh, she was wild. Came home drank up a storm and later on passed out with exhaustion. She woke up around 3am panting away. I had to chalk it up to the day. On Sunday she was really much better but so tired. It's the first Sunday in a long time that I was here to go on the park walk. She's always up for that and the rest of the day she was really tired, which was fine with me.
    Yesterday we were back to crazy behavior as a few friends were in to visit and one spent the night here. Trixie drank, panted etc...I see she really gets her symptoms back when she is so over excited. I'm happy to say that today we are starting to get back to a normal routine and she is calm, not drinking and doing just fine.
    I have to schedule an acth for her. I have so much to do out at my parents home. It is loaded with stuff. We already started on some closets but it's going to be a big job.
    I have to catch up with all the posts...hope all pups are doing well!!
    Thank you all!!

    Last edited by Trixie; 10-22-2013 at 02:47 PM.

  4. #784
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: almost diagnosed

    Everything you did for your mom, all the arrangements etc. sounded beautiful. I am sure she is very proud of you for it. I am sorry for all you have to go through with the house etc. I am sure it will be a lot of work, as older people accumulate so much. Glad Trixie is getting back to normal and survived the dog sitter. It is great to hear from you and know that we all missed you greatly. You and Trixie will have to get back to your routine now. The weather is very cold here and Tipper loves it. You will have to read my posts to see the things I discovered about Tipper's issues. Blessings
    Tipper and Tipper's Mom

    "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
    Mahatma Ghandi

  5. #785
    Join Date
    May 2012
    New Zealand

    Default Re: almost diagnosed

    HI Barbara

    Lovely to see your post. What a send off you gave your Mom, it sounds absolutely fitting and peaceful. That is nice they are in such a direct line to their home, they must have been so much time there together and now lie side by side under a beautiful tree, just perfect

    Gosh clearing out their house will be a trip down memory lane for you, such a big job with so many emotions bubbling up so do take your time and don't rush yourself.

    That Trixie does like to get herself worked up when the routine gets a little out of the ordinary, but a lot going on in your life right now and I bet she picks up on that. Pleased to hear she was good with a little normalcy creeping back in. Enjoy your walks, I always find it is such a good time to distress and clear my head and smile at the antics of the doggies.

    Big hugs for you to welcome you back to your family here xxxxxx
    Stop worrying about what can go wrong and start getting excited about what can go right!

  6. #786
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Re: almost diagnosed

    Barbara, so great to hear from you. The service sounds like it was just lovely and what a beautiful setting. That is very special about the straight line to their living room. Who would have thought such a thing.

    Yes, you are going to be super busy, and some of it will be easy and some hard, so definitely as Trish said, take your time. Breaks are mandatory! Walks in the park on a Sunday, what a treat that is for you and Trixie! Don't you think every day in the park just has a different vibe to it.
    Trixie is so funny, I'm sure she is having a great time and then just has to recuperate like all of us from the activity. I wouldn't actually do the ACTH test until she has had some normalcy to some days, and not a bunch of hyper activity. I don't know if that would play a factor but it could.

    Thinking of you,
    Sharlene and Molly Muffin
    Sharlene and the late great diva - Molly muffin (always missed and never forgotten)

  7. #787
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: almost diagnosed

    It is so good to hear from you. The funeral sounds so lovely and I am so glad it all went well.

    Trixie will calm down soon.

    Hugs and love, Barabara
    addy, zoe and koko

    My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet. ~Edith Wharton

    Memory is the power to gather roses in the winter

  8. #788
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Re: almost diagnosed

    Sending hugs and prayers of peace..
    Letti and Angel Simba, Meeko too!

  9. #789
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: almost diagnosed

    Your mother's service sounds perfect. We also buried my mom on a perfect fall day. It was unusually warm which was great.

    Since stress can bring on Cushings symptoms, I'm going to say that excitement can be considered good stress :-) That would explain it.

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    ❤ ♥
    Daisy Bella

    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies, it comes from the love in my dog's eyes." - Author Unknown

  10. #790
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Re: almost diagnosed

    Hi Barbara, I know what a big job it is taking care of everything after a parent dies.

    When my husbands grandmother passed, we had to go down to NYC to clean out her stuff. Luckily my Mother in law had already cleaned the house, but there was still a HUGE amount of just stuff! I couldn't believe that one little ole 90 some year old woman could have that much. We stored most of it in the storage place on Long Island, I think it is Moishe's. Then another trip down to have the appraisers go through that, then finally a huge truck to bring it all up to my house in Canada, where it was stored in our basement for just eons (years) until finally I started going through it and clearing it out of our place. In fact, we just moved it from spot to spot, until it landed in my house, because it was just too much to deal with. hahahaha, how is that for procrastination!!!

    I think that molly has missed a step a couple times and then she gets sort of stuck, because those stairs are more narrow than the ones going upstairs to bed, which she refuses to do if she is sleepy too. So, yea, might be a bit of Bettention going on too. Mainly a bit of scared about the steps, not as young as she use to be and seems to think she still is too. We already know she'll have arthritis in that one joint and it might be showing up a bit more now that she is older.

    Nice to have those sunday walks in the park eh. I am sure the dogs are all loving this cool weather. Doesn't seem like we got much of a fall though. It went right from bloody hot in the summer to brrr cold winter. I kind of would like fall to stick around longer than a week. sheeezzzz It's such a nice time of the year too when you get a good one.

    Glad to see you back on the forum. It's been pretty busy around here it feels like. When are you going to try to book Trixie in for her next appointment?

    sharlene and molly muffin
    Sharlene and the late great diva - Molly muffin (always missed and never forgotten)

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