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Thread: My Precious Angel Dakota

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Omaha, Nebraska

    Default Re: My Precious Angel Dakota

    Another year without you my sweet precious Angel. It's so hard to believe it has been this long. I think about you so much every day, and still miss you so. Some days it is still quite devastating to think that I will never again see you on this earth. My thoughts go back to the awful day you had to leave, and I am still so torn up over that. I have been struggling with that a lot lately for some reason, not exactly sure why. Just missing you I guess. I hope you can hear all my conversations with you. I still leave the house every time with our usual see you later and be back soon. xo

    Your baby brother seems to be doing fairly well right now I think, and we continue to battle all of his issues, old and new. At times, that can be a full time job. He has some worrisome blood work right now, so please keep watching over him and help him keep up the good fight. He really is a tough little boy, but has a lot going on. And as always, guide me to always do what is best for him and make the right decisions as we continue on this journey.

    This morning I see the sad news that we have lost a few more precious babies from our K9C family. That is always tough, but hits particularly hard now on this anniversary. I know that you will help greet them as they arrive at the bridge, and show them the ropes, along with all the others who have gone before them.

    I love and miss you up to the stars. Always in my thoughts and heart, my beautiful Dakota girl.

    Love you,
    Mom (and Jasper too) xo
    The bond with a true dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth will ever be. ~ Konrad Lorenz

    The beautiful ones you always seem to lose. ~ Prince

    And the road goes on forever... ~ Gregg Allman

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Glen Cove, NY

    Default Re: My Precious Angel Dakota

    Dear Tina, I am new here, but your words express how I feel about my Lena and I am so dreading the day that she will leave me. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.


  3. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: My Precious Angel Dakota

    Oh Tina, you and sweet Dakota are so precious to us (and of course, Jasper and Shelby, too!). Reading your tender and loving words to Dakota urges me to give special "good morning" hugs to my own dear black Lab girl ... The time we are allowed to share together on this earth is never, ever long enough. And the separation is so bittersweet. We are blessed with the memories, but stabbed by the pain of the loss.

    But the gift our family gives one another is the sharing of all that is important -- good times and also the hard times. So we thank you for letting us share in your tribute to Dakota, and for letting us help you to honor her memory.

    You are such a good girl, Dakota! You are such a good dog! I know you are playing with my Barkis and all our other babies at the Bridge. There are some new arrivals this week, both big and small. Help take care of them and show them the ropes, until they are rejoined with their moms and dads once again. In the meantime, we will do our very best here to help you take care of your sweet mom, and Jasper and Shelby. We know you are always in her heart.

    Sending huge hugs to you this day, Tina, on behalf of sweet Dakota who forever loves her mom.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Omaha, Nebraska

    Default Re: My Precious Angel Dakota

    Thank you Joan for your kind words, and as always Marianne, your heartfelt words mean so much. Thank you and big hugs.

    Happy Birthday my beautiful Angel. I hope you spend your day frolicking at the bridge. Always in my thoughts and heart. Miss you so much.

    Love you,
    Mom xo
    The bond with a true dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth will ever be. ~ Konrad Lorenz

    The beautiful ones you always seem to lose. ~ Prince

    And the road goes on forever... ~ Gregg Allman

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2010
    San Diego, Ca

    Default Re: My Precious Angel Dakota

    Dear Tina
    Thank you for sharing the love you have and always will have for Dakota. No matter how much time has passed we will always miss them and the grief comes and goes. Here we can acknowledge these feelings and be validated, loved and supported.
    Dear Dakota you left your paw print on your Mom's heart.
    Love Sonja and Apollo

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Re: My Precious Angel Dakota

    Sending you big hugs Tina. I know Dakota will always be missed.
    Sharlene and the late great diva - Molly muffin (always missed and never forgotten)

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: My Precious Angel Dakota

    Hey there, Dakota Girl! I'm sure you were one of the very first to greet my sweet Peg when she came racing to The Bridge. What a sight that must have been -- two shiny black dogs running and jumping together on strong healthy legs! Both you girls are missed so dearly, but we moms must try to take comfort in knowing that you are together and forever watching over us. Two beautiful brown-eyed girls with your satin coats and those weighty waggy tails...

    Please take special care of your mom and your little brother right now. I know you don't need me to tell you that, because you always snuggle tightly right there in your mom's heart. But please give her some extra strength and comfort during these tough times.

    Take care, sweet Dakota. And be sure to give Peg a run for her money today. You girls are both so beautiful racing along with the sun in the soft green grass!

    Sending much love from your Auntie Marianne

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Omaha, Nebraska

    Default Re: My Precious Angel Dakota

    Oh Marianne, I know our girls are spending their days together, running like the wind and playing with abandon. I am imagining an occasional tug of war ensuing. I asked Dakota to meet your beautiful girl at The Bridge and show her the ropes. I am sure they are fast friends now. Shiny black coats with unmatched beauty. And both of them, along with sweet Barkis, shining down on us from above always. xo
    Last edited by Tina; 09-09-2016 at 12:09 PM. Reason: Spelling
    The bond with a true dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth will ever be. ~ Konrad Lorenz

    The beautiful ones you always seem to lose. ~ Prince

    And the road goes on forever... ~ Gregg Allman

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Omaha, Nebraska

    Default Re: My Precious Angel Dakota

    Sweet Angel Baby, I can hardly bring myself to write to you today. Nine years since you had to leave and I still miss you so. Now your brother is gone too and I am just shattered. How can you both just be gone? The grief now is overwhelming, like it was when you left, but somehow I feel like I handled it better then. I don't know. Today it is excruciating thinking about both of you not being here, yet that is all I have been able to do all day. Nine years without you Angel, and Jasper has been gone 11 weeks today. I feel like he was my last earthly connection to you and now our circle is broken forever.

    Not a single day has passed without our usual talks, and I still tell you "Bye Sweetheart, I'll be back as soon as I can, you keep the house safe" every time I need to leave. I remember how you would look at me so intently when I would say those words and how you held your ears so alert, knowing that I was leaving. Oh how you hated to be left at home alone.

    Dakota I hope with all my being that you are happy and content, and have found your brother and are looking after him. I wish there was some way I could be sure. It would bring me such peace. The thought of that little boy being alone and scared torments me. I know you wouldn't let that happen. I believe that his special K9C friends are there with you both too, they are a fine fine bunch. The best really. I am quite sure that Peg has become your best girlie friend. The two of you, the most beautiful shiny black girls anyone has ever seen or could ever imagine. I love and miss you to the stars and beyond, and your baby brother too. My two precious angels. Both of you, always in my thoughts and forever in my heart.

    Mama xoxo
    The bond with a true dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth will ever be. ~ Konrad Lorenz

    The beautiful ones you always seem to lose. ~ Prince

    And the road goes on forever... ~ Gregg Allman

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: My Precious Angel Dakota

    Dear, dear Tina, I can only imagine how much you are hurting right now. It was so very brave of you to come and add this note. Sweet, beautiful Dakota deserves to be honored by us all, so I thank you for giving us the chance to join in. Losing our loved ones is excruciating. But with humans and animal companions alike, we trust that now that their spirits have been released, there truly is no longer any pain or any fear. They are always at peace now, and I do believe they would wish the same for us.

    I think I may understand how losing Jasper is also a lost link to Dakota. I felt something similar when Peg died -- that she had been my last physical connection with Barkis, and so there was a double grieving when she passed. With time, though, that pain has eased. I think mainly because I always think of them together now, "Barkis 'n Peg," neither of them lonely. And because Luna is still here, needing me, I still have a purpose to my days. Just like Shelby still needs you, too.

    Each one of our babies is so very special. Each one claims our heart and owns a unique chapter in our life. So many milestones and so much love that is shared. But our time together passes so quickly. When we look back, it was never nearly long enough. We are here for you, Tina, and so sorry for how much your heart is hurting right now.

    Giant, enormous, humongous hugs being sent your way ~

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