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Thread: Remembering All Who Have Left Us (2012)

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    mytil's Avatar
    mytil is offline Administrator and always In Loving Memory
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Remembering All Who Have Left Us (2012)

    To All Our Members,

    Those listed below are those Cushpups who passed on in 2012. Registered Users who wish to view all the photos of the dogs together listed in this section, click on this link Remembering all who have left us Photo Album and you will be forwarded directly to that photo album.

    To view the honor lists of those who passed in other years, click onto these links and you will be forwarded:

    Remembering All Who Have Left Us (2011)
    Remembering All Who Have Left Us (2010)
    Remembering All Who Have Left Us (2009)
    Remembering All Who Have Left Us (2008)
    Remembering All Who Have Left Us (2006 ~ 2007)
    Remembering All Who Have Left Us (1996 ~ 2005).

    We want to stop and take this day and everyday to remember each and every one of you. In Loving Memory of these special souls for whom we still grieve, miss, smile at the memories, honor and will see again one day.

    The Cushdoggies, the dates they passed, and their parents:

    Dewey - January 17 - deena
    Shadow - January - Me and my Shadow
    Buffy - 01/01/01 ~ 2-12-12 - Buffy
    Casey - February 6 -Casey's Mom
    Sugar - February 23 - Sugar
    Annie - February 25 - frijole
    Precia - February 25 - Leena
    Paddington Bear - March 12 - janemin
    Melody - March 15 - catrine
    Nibbles - March 16 - nibbles-mommy
    Tank - March 21 - TheTankster
    Olli - March 26 - Olli girl
    Maggie - April 1 - KarenJ
    Sugar - April 2 - Sugarmomma
    Wolfgang - April - Wolfgang
    Charlie - April 4 - Charlies Mum
    Eddie - April 10 - Judith
    Ginny - April 23 - cerndo
    Sage - April 28 - Sage
    Jackson - May - JacksonsMom
    Koby - May 9 - annie
    Journey - May 18 - TracieT
    Chloe - May 26 - Hstaff
    Rascal - June - Trini
    Pebbles - June 4 - ShannonJ92
    Daisy - June 13 - Pacerpup
    Charlie - June 16 - DebsW
    Daisy - June 19 - BreeandDaisy
    (Sweet) Buddy - June 19 - BaDub
    Saoirse - June 26 - lauraperla
    Jojo - June 27 - lulusmom
    Bailey - July 3 - DMDesigner
    Jake - July 12 - SJZ66
    Toby - July 17 - tobybarnum
    Charley - July 18 - charley12345
    Jordan - July 22 - Somesie
    Koda - July 25 - Kodasmom
    Ben - July 30 - Genie
    Rocky - July 31 - Rockysdad
    Chewbacca - August 3 - StarDeb55
    Penny - August 4 - Cyn719
    Pippin - August 12 - DOGFR13ND
    Farfalle - August 13 - Polkaroo
    Kirby - August 13 - kapohotricia
    Serena - August 14 - January
    Bunny - August 25 - Judiths
    Casper - September 1 - casper's mom
    Copper - September 8 - jspatterson
    Tinkerbell - September - jsvera
    Apollo - September 9 - apollo6
    Faith - September 15 - Cocker's Mom in FL
    Mitzi - September 15 - Mitz
    Cloud - September 25 - Poodlemom
    Hannah - October 7 - Hannahs Mom
    Maxwell - October 9 - Nikki
    Punk - October - punksmom
    Crash - October 13 - Tamarah
    Sheridan - October 23 - Scotty12869
    Prissie - October 29 - Doxielvr729
    Willow - October 30 - Ginger
    Meesh - October 30 - Meesh/Barney
    Maxie - November 9 - lulusmom
    Maya - November 10 - Maya
    LillyMae - November 12 - LillyMae
    Tator Tot - November 26 - TatorTot
    Munchie - November 28 - MiniSchnauzerMom
    Rebel - December 5 - Rebelsmom
    Smokey - December 17 - tuccillo
    Milo - December 17 - milosmom
    Monique - December 27 - 1beautifuldog

    Last edited by Squirt's Mom; 11-28-2012 at 09:18 AM.

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