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Thread: Holidays can be hard...

  1. #31
    mytil's Avatar
    mytil is offline Administrator and always In Loving Memory
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    Default Re: Holidays are hard...

    Oh Jeff,

    She is a doll baby!!!!! So incredibly cute. It is so hard to describe, about being ready - but you will most certainly know. For me, it took a while, but when I saw her I just knew she had to be with us.

    Don't feel bad about not wanting to toss or give away some things. In time you can make this decision. I still have everything from Clancy and Mytilda even after all these years .


  2. #32
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    Default Re: Holidays are hard...

    Jeff, I agree -- what a cutie!!!!!! And I "second" what Terry has said about giving yourself all the time you need to make your decisions about Mandy's things. It may even turn out that you will choose to pass on some of these things to your new baby girl when she arrives. I know it just depends on the person, but my hubby and I ended up feeling comforted by seeing Peg (and now Luna) choosing Barkis' favorite toys and curling up on his dogbed. It's as if he's here watching over them with us. His dogbed has his name sewed across it, and oh my goodness -- how much it hurt to see that empty bed during those weeks that we were without him. And we weren't sure what we would end up doing with it. But the evening that we brought little baby Peg home, she immediately went over to his bed and sniffed it carefully, and then curled up right in the middle, gave a big sigh, and closed her eyes. All safe and sound and protected. Jim and I looked at each other and said, "well, I guess that decision has been made." And Luna subsequently did exactly the same thing. So now, instead of being a source of tears, his bed and his toys make it seem as though he is still here and taking care of "his" baby sisters. So you just never know how you'll end up feeling about these things. Give yourself all the time you want or need to decide.


    P.S. to Susan: Yes, our Peg is indeed that little black girl who healed our hearts. And as a holiday gift to myself, I have FINALLY uploaded some photos of all three of my babies to my own album. Here's "little" Peg on the day that we first brought her home (she's over 80 pounds now!):
    Last edited by labblab; 12-15-2010 at 10:09 AM. Reason: To add P.S.

  3. #33
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    Default Re: Holidays are hard...


    She is precious!

    After Crys died, I found myself looking at Pitties, knowing I wasn't ready, but wanting to look anyway. Several times I almost called on one or the other Pit but it was never quite right. Then I saw Trinket's picture and I knew right away this was the baby my heart had been seeking.

    If this is the baby your heart is seeking, then by all means take action now! No telling how many others are looking at her and thinking the same things was the case with Trink. The fact that she is with us, instead of one of the many others who wanted her, tells me my reaction to her pic was right on the mark - Trinket was supposed to be with us.

    Follow your heart, Jeff and Susan! It will lead you where you are supposed to be.

    Gosh! Ya'll are getting me excited for ya!

    "May you know that absence is full of tender presence and that nothing is ever lost or forgotten." John O'Donahue, "Eternal Echoes"

    Death is not a changing of worlds as most imagine, as much as the walls of this world infinitely expanding.

  4. #34
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    Default Re: Holidays are hard...

    Quote Originally Posted by labblab View Post
    Jeff, I agree -- what a cutie!!!!!! And I "second" what Terry has said about giving yourself all the time you need to make your decisions about Mandy's things. It may even turn out that you will choose to pass on some of these things to your new baby girl when she arrives. I know it just depends on the person, but my hubby and I ended up feeling comforted by seeing Peg (and now Luna) choosing Barkis' favorite toys and curling up on his dogbed. It's as if he's here watching over them with us. His dogbed has his name sewed across it, and oh my goodness -- how much it hurt to see that empty bed during those weeks that we were without him. And we weren't sure what we would end up doing with it. But the evening that we brought little baby Peg home, she immediately went over to his bed and sniffed it carefully, and then curled up right in the middle, gave a big sigh, and closed her eyes. All safe and sound and protected. Jim and I looked at each other and said, "well, I guess that decision has been made." And Luna subsequently did exactly the same thing. So now, instead of being a source of tears, his bed and his toys make it seem as though he is still here and taking care of "his" baby sisters. So you just never know how you'll end up feeling about these things. Give yourself all the time you want or need to decide.
    Such a nice story...I am planning on keeping Mandy's little "lounge chair" you see in her album (the brown one w/the white pattern on it). She just LOVED that darn thing. I was looking back at her puppy photos and there she asleep in it! I'm going to put new fabric on's got a solid foam core and is in good shape so a new pup can enjoy it. And, it will be like you say...taking something a bit sad and making it happy again.

    I'm very much drawn to that little Aussie pup...even though I've seen a bunch of cuties already. I can't have her until mid-January, which is OK, I think. There is just something about her...

    Jeff & Angel Mandy
    Last edited by jrepac; 12-15-2010 at 03:20 PM.

  5. #35
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    Default Re: Holidays are hard...


    Too cute!

    Can't wait to hear the story.

  6. #36
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    No news on the puppy front yet. If I don't hear by mid-day Monday I will call them.

    I'm post surgery and doing pretty well. It was a lot more pain than I bargained for.....more than knee replacement surgery. I go see the doc on Monday AM to have a "look/see" and will get more info as to what was done, what needs to happen. It seems to me that this is a better start than the first one was.

    Florida was cold.......sunny, but cold. We survived the airport security measures.

    Has anyone had a doggie that "used the tree" to pee on? I kept expecting Palmer to do that, but he never did. He sure did know, though, that when that big tree was up inside the house good things were about to happen. I miss having him stretched out between my legs on the recliner. With this surgery, I have missed having him by my side comforting me. I still have his duck on the bed. I still carry his collar around from time to time. Now when I see his picture show up on my desktop screen, I smile.....and I say "Hi buddy!" It has gotten a bit easier now.

    In case anyone is traveling for the holidays, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday. I will be around, so I expect to keep tabs on anyone who chooses to write. I hope you have many happy memories to share. I know Palmer will be there enjoying all the events. Thanks to all of you for all of your support.


  7. #37
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    Default Re: Holidays are hard...

    We were afraid to get a real tree for that very reason. We thought our Koko would piddle on it.

    He has not bothered the artifical tree. He mainly wants to get at the tree skirt. He loves to chew and suck on fabric

    We are staying home, no traveling. I'll check in too in case anyone needs an ear.

    Susan, I hope you feel better and are up and about soon and hope you get some puppy news.


  8. #38
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    Default Re: Holidays are hard...

    Speaking of tree skirts my little Havanese Desi has chewed the braid off mine three times. You would think I would have learned by now and tonight it has been put away until next year when I can try again.

    This is a sad Christmas for us as we just lost my moms Jack Russell cross on Monday. Seems after a month of testing at the vet and her still not wanting to eat and vomitting we took her back again to get some answers. The vet did another xray and showed a large mass in her abdomen and thought it was cancerous. It is a shame that we don't have an ultrasound machine anywhere near our city so we couldn't tell but Tawnee was gradually slipping away while we were there so mom made the decision to end her life painlessly. To see my mom cry like that was incredibly painful and I too will miss Tawnee very much. She was my older dog Casey's best friend until I got Desi but we still all went there with our dogs on Sundays and there would be four of them around. There is a photo of them in my album taken last year at Casey's 14th birthday.

    No one feels much like celebrating this year but we will do what we can for our mom and the children.

    God bless everyone and especially those who cannot speak for themselves.

    Love and hugs,
    Ellen, Sweet Angel Casey, Desi and Oreo

  9. #39
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    Default Re: Holidays are hard...

    Oh Ellen, such sad news and such a painful time to lose little Tawnee. She looks like such a sweetheart! In order for everybody to see, here's a link to your photo of the birthday party and the "Gang of Four" ...:

    I know it will be very hard to make it through this coming week. So please stop back here whenever you want to talk. I'll bet the memories will flood back in full force, as well as your wish that things could have been different.

    Please let your mom know there's a whole family of folks here who are honoring little Tawnee alongside her. If you should ever wish to place a memorial thread for Tawnee here on "In Loving Memory," it will be our privilege to always read and remember. I am also going right now to light a candle for Tawnee on our special candle-lighting site. Anyone and everyone is welcome to light candles, too. That way, lights for Tawnee can be kept burning all through Christmas.

    Ellen, many hugs to you and your family,

  10. #40
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    Default Re: Holidays are hard...(Update)

    Quote Originally Posted by jrepac View Post
    Such a nice story...I am planning on keeping Mandy's little "lounge chair" you see in her album (the brown one w/the white pattern on it). She just LOVED that darn thing. I was looking back at her puppy photos and there she asleep in it! I'm going to put new fabric on's got a solid foam core and is in good shape so a new pup can enjoy it. And, it will be like you say...taking something a bit sad and making it happy again.

    I'm very much drawn to that little Aussie pup...even though I've seen a bunch of cuties already. I can't have her until mid-January, which is OK, I think. There is just something about her...

    Jeff & Angel Mandy
    Well, I have decided to wait until Spring for a new Aussie friend, BUT, I just fell in love w/that little chihuahua! After my 3rd trip to see her, I just had to bring her home w/me. I got her on Dec 17th. She came from a small pup specialty shop; she had 3 brothers in the litter who were also quite cute, but she just captured my heart. Her name is Pebbles. She is all of 2.5lbs and is 4 months old. They tell me she may top out at 5lbs or so. Here are her first few pix:

    We are on Day 4 and doing very, very well getting acclimated and wee-wee pad trained. She's been on her own little "world tour" since the weekend, visiting everyone and going to X-Mas parties.

    Although I still miss my sweet Mandy, this little one makes me smile and has already lifted my spirits during this holiday season. Quite a change from my usual terrier dogs, but she is precious.

    Jeff, Angel Mandy & Pebbles!
    Last edited by jrepac; 12-21-2010 at 04:25 PM.

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