Re: Holidays can be hard...
Have I told ya'll lately how much I despise people sometimes? I do. Today especially.
My beautiful Alaska is gone. Monday evening she attacked Bud...and not in their usual play. She was serious. Tuesday morning she attacked him again...with me doing all I could to hold her off of him. I lost my grip on her and fell back against my recliner. Alaska rushed to me and stood over me snarling. She turned back to Bud with him running away trying to get under the furniture to get away from her. I got hold of her again just as she grabbed his neck and she turned on me again. I finally got her out the door and Bud crated. When I opened the door to get her crated she ran thru the house and threw herself at Bud's crate trying to get to him. She tried to bite me a few more times before I could get her in the crate. After checking Bud over I called Doc B. This gorgeous, so smart, and so sweet dog left this life yesterday morning thanks to humans who should never have any dog much less one of these breeds. My neighbor who had Alaska now has another Pit puppy under his porch.
I hate human beings.
"May you know that absence is full of tender presence and that nothing is ever lost or forgotten." John O'Donahue, "Eternal Echoes"
Death is not a changing of worlds as most imagine, as much as the walls of this world infinitely expanding.