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Thread: Tribute to my Pooh Bear, Haley

  1. #1
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    Default Tribute to my Pooh Bear, Haley

    Since it is National Pet Memorial Day I will start a long overdue tribute to my little angel Haley. The tears are flying and the pain is still so raw... my little bundle... please know that after 3 1/2 mos. I miss you terribly.

    So many wonderful memories, I am honored to have been your mommy and how I miss those hugs you gave me. With time I will write a tribute worthy of the wonderful memories... You brought such happiness to my life but for now all I can say is thank you my dear sweet cuddly Haley. Always your mom

  2. #2
    mytil's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tribute to my Pooh Bear, Haley

    Oh Dearest Kim,

    I know your Haley is watching over you and Annie right now.

    I also know the pain of loosing them can be so immense that putting down to paper a tribute is very hard. It is possible that the love and devotion that continues even after they have passed is a living tribute and words just do not seem to be enough. They will come one day.

    L. and (((Big hugs))) to you girl.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Tribute to my Pooh Bear, Haley

    (((HUGS))), Kim

    I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes for each and everyone of you that have lost a precious furbaby.
    Love and hugs,

    Terri and (Angel) Corky

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Tribute to my Pooh Bear, Haley

    Dear Haley,

    Christmas 2010 is my first one without you. I hope you are up in heaven running around and sneaking treats out of Santa's bag. Annie and I miss you so much.

    Remembering the time you opened all the Godiva chocolate presents I mistakenly put under the tree, how much you loved my mom's homemade doggie treats, how you taught Annie how to open up presents, snuggling with you during winter nights and that beautiful smile.

    You were all heart my dear one and you made my life special. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the wonderful days and nights.

    All my love,

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Tribute to my Pooh Bear, Haley

    A Tribute to Haley, my Pooh Bear

    One year ago today I made the toughest decision of my life – to relieve you of pain and set you free. It has taken me a full year to gather the strength to write out the memories. My last words to you were “Thank you, thank you, thank you my friend for all that you have given me”. I could only say thank you because I will never say goodbye to you. This tribute is simply some of my favorite “Haley Moments”.

    You came into my life when I was a mere 26 years old. Together we grew old but oh the memories you left me with my dear friend. My first memory was holding you for the very first time. I was scared that I would not know what to do or how to be a good mom. And your eyes – I could see through them all the way to your kind soul. Haley you were all about love and affection. Thank you for loving me with all your heart.

    Remember when I put pinto beans into a sock as a training tool? You just knew that the sock was the coolest toy on earth and you took that thing and swung it in circles like a lasso until it would wrap around your neck and then you’d run over to me to undo it so you could swing it some more.

    Remember when you could jump 2 feet into the air and how you would run from one end of the house to the other, sliding to stop? My friend Anne called you “The Silver Bullet”. Watching you play was such a joy that when my grandfather was passing we took you to visit him and you quickly put a smile on his face. Thank you.

    And the special gifts you would bring me from your outings… Thursday smorgasbords (trash day on the block) I will never forget you walking towards me with a HUGE piece of pizza in your mouth (pointy end between the teeth). The dead baby rabbits, baby robins, lizards. You were so swift and fast. Great hunter you were.

    How you loved to take Annie to the lake to look for fish. Oh the memory of you walking thru the field with a fishing net – handle in your mouth- with a perfectly petrified dead fish in it to give your dear mom. Price-less. Thank you.

    And the road trips – some by airplane to Dallas, Miami and Phoenix. You loved it because we were together. You hopped into the crate knowing I’d be there at the other end. You went to the Tostito Fiesta Bowl tailgate party and wowed the crowd by munching on Tostitos like a trooper. Thank you.

    I will never forget learning from a neighbor how you and Annie were sneaking out thru a tiny hole in the back fence every day to visit the construction crew several blocks away … because they gave you people food. They must have walked you home every day and put you inside the gate because I never would have known.

    And if there was a beverage on the floor, it was “yours”. It didn’t matter if was water, soda, beer, wine or even scotch – you were all about drinking it. We had to train our guests to keep their glasses attended at all times.

    Your knick-name Pooh came early because you were such a cuddly thing. But oh how you understood me. You would come over and hug me when I cried. How did you know to put your face against mine and apply pressure in a way that made me know you were there for me? Oh how I miss that. Thank you.

    You always loved the wind and you loved to stand facing it head-on – the stronger the winds the better. You’d raise that nose, sniff the air and smile big.

    I don’t know anything about doggie-heaven but I am sure that if there is food you are taking it in, if there are people you are giving them love and laughter, and if there is wind you are running freely towards it.

    One year ago today I set you free. Today I once again say thank you to my best friend. Haley, the Silver Bullet – Pooh Bear. Thank you so much for giving me a great life. I miss you terribly but you are forever in my heart. Annie and I still love you very much.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Tribute to my Pooh Bear, Haley

    Just beautiful. You were both blessed to have found each other.

    Cindy, Alex and Bear

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Tribute to my Pooh Bear, Haley

    Dear Kim,

    A beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl. Thank you for sharing your memories with us and allowing us to celebrate Haley's wonderful life with you.

    Many hugs,
    "May you know that absence is full of tender presence and that nothing is ever lost or forgotten." John O'Donahue, "Eternal Echoes"

    Death is not a changing of worlds as most imagine, as much as the walls of this world infinitely expanding.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Tribute to my Pooh Bear, Haley

    Oh Kim,

    Sending you very big (((((hugs))))) today. I know it is still tough, but I am so happy you posted those memories.


  9. #9
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    Default Re: Tribute to my Pooh Bear, Haley

    You have such wonderful memories, Kim.

    Special (((((HUGS)))))
    Love and hugs,

    Terri and (Angel) Corky

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Tribute to my Pooh Bear, Haley

    Oh Kim,

    Just so, so beautiful.

    Sending huge, loving hugs, Lori

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