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Thread: Finding an Internal Medicine Specialist Vet (ACVIM) (N. America and other countries)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Arrow Finding an Internal Medicine Specialist Vet (ACVIM) (N. America and other countries)

    To help you to find a Cushings "Specialist", an Internal Medicine Specialist Vet who has focus in endocrinology and a lot of experience in diagnosing, treating and successfully managing Cushings in dogs, here is the website address for the ACVIM:

    If you click on "Search for a Specialist", that will take you to:

    There you can search to find names, addresses and phone numbers of Small Animal Internal Medicine (SAIM) Specialist Veterinarians who are ACVIM Diplomates working in North America and in some other countries, as well.

    An Internal Medicine Specialist has likely diagnosed and treated many Cushings cases and can often pin down a correct diagnosis when a GP Vet may not be able to (perhaps when the test results are not exactly "textbook" for Cushings, for example). They are also usually very experienced with Lysodren and Trilostane administration and dosage adjustments etc. and will often personally manage cases long-term or at least consult with your GP Vet long-term, giving advice when needed.

    You may need a referral to see an Internist, but your GP Vet must refer you if you request it. Your GP Vet must also forward copies of all your pet's records (especially recent test results) so that the Internist won't have to redo all the tests. Your GP Vet ought to give you the referral gladly, but if not, you and your pet might be better off in the hands of another GP Vet who doesn't mind and/or who may actually enjoy working with a Specialist on a Cushings (or any other) case. If your GP Vet is very resistant to giving you the referral and you are not able to get in to see an Internal Med Specialist without a referral, you can try asking the receptionist or office manager at the Specialist Clinic to give you the name of some of the GP Vets from whom they get frequent referrals. A GP Vet who refers regularly to Specialists will likely not mind giving you the referral you need to see the Internist.

    If you aren't able to find an Internal Medicine Specialist with the search feature on the ACVIM website, you can call (toll free number) or send an e-mail to the ACVIM. There may be some Internists in your area who are board certified ACVIM Diplomates but who are just not listed in the online database.

    American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM)
    5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Suite 130
    Greenwood Village, CO 80111

    Phone: 303-231-9933

    800-245-9081 (toll free number from the USA or Canada)

    Fax: 303-231-0880

    Last edited by mytil; 03-27-2022 at 08:58 AM. Reason: fixing broken links

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Search for veterinary surgeons who are board certified by the ACVS

    To help you to find a veterinary surgeon who is board certified by the American College of Veterinary Surgeons.

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