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Thread: Remembering All Who Have Left Us (2010)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    rural central ARK

    Default Remembering All Who Have Left Us (2010)

    To All Our Members,

    Those listed below are those Cushpups who passed on in 2010. Registered Users who wish to view all the photos of the dogs together listed in this section, click on this link Remembering all who have left us Photo Album and you will be forwarded directly to that photo album.

    To view the honor lists of those who passed in other years, click onto these links and you will be forwarded:
    Remembering All Who Have Left Us (2009) , Remembering All Who Have Left Us (2008) , Remembering All Who Have Left Us (2006 ~ 2007) and Remembering All Who Have Left Us (1996 ~ 2005).

    We want to stop and take this day and everyday to remember each and every one of you. In Loving Memory of these special souls for whom we still grieve, miss, smile at the memories, honor and will see again one day.

    The Cushdoggies, the dates they passed, and their parents:


    Mikey - January 24 - 4Mikeydog
    Frodo - January 29 - isy
    Kiska - January 29 - Kaliuma
    Bailey - February 5 - forscooter
    Molly - February 8 - westmbn
    Zoe - March 13 - zoesmom
    Sabre (in the daisies) - March 17 - Sabre's Mum
    Jake - March 25 - dededorio
    Moria - April 6 - gpgscott
    Snickers - April 11 - snickers
    Lady - April 21 - Wally P's Mom
    Bubba - April - karen37760
    Lindy - May - lindyandkim
    Kira - May 2 - haf549
    Augie - (6/29/03 ~ 5/3/10) - EllyAugie
    Pepper - May 5, and Salt - April 29 - sherrylwatts
    Alpha Romeo - May 18 - alphasmom
    Bailey - May 21 - Escondido
    Haley - May 22 - frijole
    Pockets - May 26 - da_lizard
    Gordy - May 28 - jlapro
    Phoebe - May 29 - BestBuddy
    Kiska - June 1 - Kiska'smom and her owner J. October 7, 2014
    Crystal - June 5 - Squirt's Mom
    Tia - June 7 - trazeee
    Porkchop - June 15 - Porkchopdog
    Truffa - July 16 - Truffa's Mom
    Casper - July 16 - Dawn
    Toby - July - Arlene and dogs
    Spicey - July 23 - Spiceysmum
    Emma - July 25 - AllisonJ
    Patience - August - 06beagles
    Palmer - August 5 - Palmer's Mom
    Frisky - August 14 - RPDrama64
    Harley - October 6 - StarDeb55
    Kenai - November 3 - ventilate
    Mandy - November 4 - jrepac
    Angel (our sweet girl) - November 8 - we3dogs
    Bonnie - (9/12/1997 ~ 11/13/10) - me and my twiglets
    Ebonie - November 16 - bernie47
    Chuey - November 18 - 4thepets
    Phillip - November 24 - Nathalie
    Eden - November 26 - Pupsqueak
    Mira - November 27 - Altira
    Bailey - November 29 - Franklin'sMum
    Brandy - November 30 - brandysmom
    Wylie - December 4 - Wylie's Mom
    Lacey - December 4 - Marlene
    Hamish - December 20 - Leslieg
    Pip - December 31 - JHP

    Last edited by Squirt's Mom; 12-25-2010 at 12:45 PM.
    "May you know that absence is full of tender presence and that nothing is ever lost or forgotten." John O'Donahue, "Eternal Echoes"

    Death is not a changing of worlds as most imagine, as much as the walls of this world infinitely expanding.

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