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Thread: Please make a copy of your thread

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Please make a copy of your thread

    We want to take this opportunity to encourage all of our members to safely download and store your own personal copies of any posts that are of particular importance or meaning to you. This is true, not only for the posts of "In Loving Memory," but also throughout our entire website.

    We will make every effort within our control to safely preserve the postings here. But sadly, there are some things that are outside of our control -- ranging from intentional hacking to unintentional system failures.

    So PLEASE safely preserve the postings that are important to you. In that way, they can always be reposted here in the event of a failure. And you can always be assured that they will never be lost to you. This is a sad lesson for us all to learn, but a valuable one.

  2. #2
    mytil's Avatar
    mytil is offline Administrator and always In Loving Memory
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Please make a copy!

    A very easy way to make copies is while in your thread take a look on the upper right hand side of the page - you will see a tab THREAD TOOLS. Simply click this and you will see PRINTABLE VERSION - click this and it will make it much easier to print out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Please make a copy of your thread

    Bumping up.

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